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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why the political left hates the prepper movement

Why the political left hates the prepper movement

If you pay any attention at all to the barrage of propaganda and misinformation constantly being disseminated by mainstream media, you'll have no doubt noticed how the prepper movement is typically portrayed.

At best, we are treated as harmless, yet delusional, nut cases; at worst, as dangerous lunatics who pose a threat to normal society.

In other words, we are cast as some weird cult foolishly anticipating an imaginary cataclysm that will never happen, or we are painted to look like violent extremists.

Both assumptions are completely false.

In the first place, there is plenty of evidence pointing towards several highly possible - if not probable - scenarios that could prove to be devastating to anyone who chooses not to be prepared. Not to mention the numerous historical precedents that illustrate how those who were prepared in times of economic and social upheaval were the ones who tended to survive.

For instance, the global economic crisis that is currently threatening the meltdown of the EU and which has caused many other non-EU nations to pile up enormous debt in recent years may soon cause a worldwide economic collapse that will make the last crisis look like a walk in the park in comparison.

And when the dollar loses its status as a reserve currency (as it almost certainly will), all bets are off.

The Chinese are angling to have the yuan replace the dollar, and they're just one of the players on the field. How can the dollar retain its status if we keep printing worthless money?

But I digress...

What I'm trying to get across is that the economic perils we now face could easily create a complete collapse in this country. Many (if not most) economists are saying it's just a matter of time.

And that's just one of the potential disasters we face. People who truly believe it's a stupid idea to be prepared are, frankly, stupider than dirt themselves.

But most of those opposed to the prepper movement aren't actually stupid. Many are simply deluded enough to believe that the government has all the answers and will somehow provide for them in times of need.

Why are preppers such a threat?

Others do perceive us as a threat. So why is the choice to prepare for the unexpected so threatening? I mean, really - what is it about prepping that is so dangerous?

The only possible answer is that those who feel threatened are simply not okay with the idea that some people can be self-reliant.

In other words, others might start to realize that they do not need to depend on a collectivist nanny state to survive and thrive.

It's as simple as that.

And if you don't believe that the leftist media is attacking the prepper movement, here's a quote from a recent article posted on

"Few preppers are smarter than a 5th grader, and, at least in the Washington and Oregon Cascades, most often meth-fueled, neo-Christian, anarchist bow-hunters who think they'll outlast the rest of us because they own weapons, wear camo tank tops, and used their welfare cheques to clean Costco out of Kraft Dinner and jerky."

That's just a small sample of the false stereotyping and sophomoric ridiculing of the prepper movement in the article, which is titled: 'Be prepared for Preppers'. It's easy to find this type of stuff all over the Internet and television.

A few of us are fighting back. A fine example is an article written by Brandon Smith, for, in response to the 'Be prepared for Preppers' piece.

An excerpt from Smith's response:

"The goal behind the prepper movement is simple, not sinister; we seek to defuse crisis before it occurs by providing our own necessities without the need for a mainstream grid that could easily malfunction and a government that is corrupt beyond repair. If your neighbor is a prepper, be thankful, for you have one less person on your street to worry about as a potential looter during an emergency."


Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



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