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Question Everything!

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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.

"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Agenda 21/Agenda 2030: The World Elite Wants You Dead by 2030
Agenda 21/Agenda 2030: The World Elite Wants You Dead by 2030
Agenda Origins
World War II was not exactly what you have been told. Germany surrendered — that’s true. Germany also signed a 99-year submission agreement to the United States which is still in effect.
However, although physical Germany surrendered, Nazis never surrendered. Hitler and his inner circle went to Argentina using special submarines. Hitler was never killed. Like all world leaders, he had several duplicates, and it was one of the duplicates who was sacrificed. In the United States, for example, every US president in recent times has traveled with a few duplicates. These are ordinary people who look similar and can be made to look almost identical with modern plastic surgery who are recruited and paid to perform this “service”.
Recently, you may recall, some of the mini subs used in the escape to Argentina surfaced during a violent storm. They were deliberately sunk and were designed to remain undetected forever.
About ten thousand of Hitler’s top operatives and scientists were brought to the United States under top secret Operation Paperclip and given new identities. Once they settled in, the United States quietly became a Nazi country and Hitler’s agenda of world domination continued.
So, you see, the Nazi’s — who, incidentally, were already working with aliens — really won World War II and their agenda was never interrupted and continues in full force today. So, now you know.
You could guess something was “not quite right” if you looked back at “official” history. Theoretically, the US won the war. Germany and Hitler were vanquished. Europe was in ruins, but there was no real damage to the US. The US was now the most powerful country in the world. The victorious soldiers returned eager for all the girls waiting to become wives. The baby boom began. Everything was fine. So why, at this time, was it necessary to pass the national security act and set up the NSA? Everything was, theoretically, more secure than it had ever been before. What gives? Of course, as people were to learn later, the seeds of a great change had been planted — a change that the ordinary people were never supposed to know anything about. The New World Order had begun.
Split Level World Begins
A little over one hundred years ago, around 1913, the ruling elite came up with a novel idea. They decided to begin construction on a secret world just for themselves underground, right here on Earth. The idea was that, since it was out of sight, the ordinary slave people who lived on the surface would never know or even suspect that it existed. Today, the planet looks like a lump of swiss cheese with underground tunnels connecting huge military bases and also huge cities where the “chosen” people can live in complete secrecy.
The cities and bases are tremendous and new construction never stops. If you discretely hang around Dayton, Ohio long enough, you will see freight trains loaded with limestone chips being hauled away. They come from the new construction in the underground base centered around Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The underground secret base stretches beyond the boundaries of the surface base and into adjacent states. It is continually being expanded.
The cities are tremendous to accommodate perhaps 100,000 residents or more. Every amenity is available. It is like the Camelot song, “The rain may never fall till after midnight, by eight the morning fog must disappear.”
Today, everything important happens underground. The surface has been largely abandoned. That’s why you see little attempt to maintain surface infrastructure. It is obsolete. So are the people who live there. The plan is to kill them. This plan is known as “The Great Culling” and is part of Agenda 21. When Agenda 21 says “make the Earth sustainable,” it means “exterminate unnecessary people.” Then, there will be plenty of natural resources for the “chosen” who have permission to live on into the “new world”.
The “Brain Drain”
Back in the 1960’s, you may recall hearing the phrase “brain drain.” Prominent scientists were disappearing. Their friends and families would get a call from them saying something like “they had some urgent business and had to go away for awhile.” No one ever heard from them again. They had been chosen and agreed to leave the world you know to work on secret projects both here on Earth and also off-world.
Since then, many colonies have been established on the Moon, Mars, moons of outer planets in our solar system, planets in other solar systems and locations in parallel universes.
What You Have Missed
You have been asleep for about seventy years now and you have missed quite a bit. The world seemed pretty much the same while you were “sleeping,” but behind the scenes and shielded from your eyes by “national security” lots of changes have taken place about which you know absolutely nothing.
Contact has been established with various alien races. They walk among you and work together in secret bases. In Area 51, scientists from Russia and China work alongside aliens and US scientists. They have been quietly doing this for years. Meanwhile, an elaborate choreographed dramatization has led you to believe all is well and nothing has really changed as you quietly drink beer and watch the “bread and circuses” foolishness on TV.
There have been many incredible discoveries. Space travel and time travel have been perfected. Cures for all known diseases have been developed and quietly locked away available only to the “chosen.” Much new technology has been obtained through alien exchange programs including devices which allow the “chosen” to live physically forever.
Colonies have been set up off-world. Carefully selected families live there. There is also interdimentional travel between parallel dimensions or “universes.” People come and go, but you haven’t noticed. In your dream world, not much has changed. However, in reality, you are seventy years out of date and you are now “obsolete.” There are no plans to ever tell you the truth or “reeducate” you. In fact, there is no use for you at all. Therefore, you are to be eliminated.
Hacker Evidence
From time to time, whistleblowers reveal secrets and hackers manage to break into top secret files. The government does its best to stop them and kill them before they talk, however, they are not always successful.
Gary McKinnon, as a young man in Britain, managed, using just a dial-up internet connection, to break into top secret US systems and obtain evidence of UFO’s and “off-world” activities. He saw pictures of alien craft and obtained a list of military employees whose addresses were listed as “off-world.”
Of course, the US attacked him and wanted him extradited to the US so they could lock him up in solitary confinement until he died. However, the boy had medical issues and, knowing that what would be done to him would violate EU humanitarian laws, the request was refused. However, it appears he was persuaded to stop talking about what he had discovered.
There are many good books documenting top secret technologies which are in use today. It is pretty much established as fact, for example, that the B2 bomber has antigravity drive and can continue to fly with its conventional jet engines shut off. This and other good stuff is covered in the book Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion by Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D.
There is considerable hacker evidence available today on the internet covering many areas of top secret material.
Bielek, Nichols, Cameron
Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, and David Cameron all had experiences with time travel, space travel and aliens, and their stories support each other. Therefore, their revelations cannot be simply dismissed as crazy talk.
Al Bielek — because of his experiences in time travel — claims to have achieved a status equivalent to a “made man” in mob circles and, therefore, the government could not kill him and he was free to travel and speak on top secret subjects without interference.
Since all these men either have books available and/or free videos on YouTube, there is no reason to repeat their claims and stories here. Therefore, you are refereed to their personal accounts if this subject interests you.
Experiments in Time
This is Al Bielek’s model and, if you watch his free YouTube videos, he will explain it. A place in time and space is specified by five vectors. Four of the vectors are “inside” the doughnut (actually, it is more of an ellipse than a doughnut), and vector five wraps around the outside. If you specify all five vectors and have a working time machine, you can travel around just like Doctor Who.
This is the structure of the part of the physical universe where you live (also watch “Bases 25: Erin Rosthschild at the Super Soldier Summit” video at YouTube):
It is not the only one, and so you can travel to so called “parallel universes” if you know how. Many people come and go from Earth to these places using what appear to be normal airliners (commercial planes) but which have special modifications. No one ever seems to catch on.
If you had been born in an illuminati family, you would have learned this stuff as a child.
Experiments in time began in earnest in 1943 with the “Philadelphia Experiment” and continued through 1983 with the experiments at Montauk. Unfortunately, the Earth scientists were novices at this. Remember, advanced civilizations have been doing this stuff for millions of years and so it is no big deal for them. Anyway with a bit of deliberate misguidance from their alien friends, and being completely unaware that the Earth has a twenty year biorhythm cycle peaking around August 14th, they managed to knock the planet off of its original timeline and onto some new random timeline and so altered the future of humanity.
The Real Tesla Coil
Earth Moved to Random Timeline
Because of apparent incompetence during experiments with time, the planet Earth has been displaced from its original timeline to a new random timeline. The events that were scheduled to occur appear to have been erased from time and the original timeline may not be recoverable.
Here are the two timelines as described by men who visited them:
• ORIGINAL: Robert Monroe, year 3000. The planet exhibits natural spiritual evolution. People mainly use their Astral bodies and “park” their physical bodies in some safe place. No technology is reported. You would expect to find this in any advanced culture, because advanced creatures have no need for technology. Technology is not an attribute of a spiritually advanced civilization. Refer to the books on out of body experiences authored by Robert Monroe.
• CURRENT: Al Bielek, year 2749. The planet has stabilized in conformity with the Georgia Guidestones. There are only 500 million people living on Earth. Technology is extremely advanced and the people are governed by an artificial intelligence computer which controls everything and dispenses justice. The world is similar to the fictional world ofLogan’s Run except that you do not have to die at thirty years old. There is no money or financial system. All basic necessities are free and guaranteed. Reasonable access to luxuries is also guaranteed. However, the world is spiritually barren. There is no indication of any knowledge of or desire for spirituality. The elders worry that the culture may become unstable, because — except for comfort and pleasure — there is no purpose to life. Refer to the free you tube videos by Al Bielek referencing his trip to the year 2749.
The Ones They Left Behind
“We are the children, the last generation, We are the ones they left behind.” — Tina Turner, “We Don’t Need Another Hero.”
Sorry, but you are the last generation. And, you have been left behind. The others have moved on — to new colonies on other worlds as well as to parallel universes. No one is coming to collect you. You are to be abandoned here. There are some proposed uses for you and we will cover those a bit later. Also remember, many aliens consider you to be a tasty delicacy.
Tina Turner is a practicing Buddhist. You might want to pay attention to the lyrics in her songs because, if she is advanced enough in her spiritual practice, she would have the ability to know the future.
Barefoot and Pregnant
You have probably heard the phrase “barefoot and pregnant.” In today’s world, this translates to “need to know” and “compartmentalization”.
Let’s begin with an example. Let’s say you and your mate live on a farm in an isolated area. You start thinking and get a clever idea. You say, “We can make kids. And they will know nothing unless we tell them.” So, if you have a girl, you teach her to cook and wash dishes. That’s all she “needs to know.” When you have a boy, you teach him to plant a garden and take care of farm animals. You tell them never to leave the farm, because “monsters” or whatever you want to dream up will get them. They must stay put so “you can protect them.” After a dozen or so kids, you can sit around and do nothing while they faithfully do all the “grunt” work.
Now, if you actually did this and got discovered, there would be a big stink about how you abused your kids and ruined their lives. As a parent, you have a duty to prepare your kids to survive in the real world and most parents do their best to accomplish this. However, your government does not. They behave exactly like the farmer in the example. Governments, like parents, have a natural obligation to raise competent citizens. However, they do not. They have developed this idea that only the elites should know the complete truth and that everyone else should be locked in an “information prison” and only be allowed to know what they “need to know” to serve the elites as obedient slaves. So, you don’t need to know that there is life on other planets and you don’t need to know things about yourself like your Astral body and third eye. If you knew too much, you might refuse to be a slave.
The American Indians lived a basically hunter-gatherer lifestyle. They had no technology. That’s why it was so easy for us to kill them when we came here and stole their land to create the United States. However, from time to time, the “sky people” would come and visit them. Obviously, these aliens did have very advanced technology. However, the Indians just accepted them. They were apparently friendly. They hung around a while and then left. The Indians did not go into some state of “mass insanity” because beings from other planets occasionally dropped by. So the argument that the people of today — who are obviously more familiar with technology than the Indians were — just “could not handle” knowing the truth about the alien races that visit here is pure bunk. The real reason is that it would be a threat to the power of the ruling elite if people knew the truth.
This attitude can’t be universal. It is doubtful that intelligent societies on other planets treat their people this way. It appears to be an aberration unique to Earth which may result from a fundamental flaw in the encoding of human DNA. There are indications that Earth humans did not come into existence naturally but were created or modified by outside (alien) forces who did a sloppy job encoding the DNA. However, there is also an indication that, since Earth humans were intended to be temporary slaves who would be exterminated when their mission ended, the sloppy encoding was not considered to be a problem.
However, this did not happen. Instead, the humans were abandoned here and left on their own to eventually form the world we live in today. If the homo sapiens sapiens race had developed naturally without artificial “jump starts” from external forces, life on Earth today would probably be completely different and bear no relationship to current “reality.”
There is an old sci-fi book, Voyage From Yesteryear by James P. Hogan, based upon the premise that a group of humans from Earth were taken to another planet as embryos where they grew up and evolved without any of the influences which existed on Earth.
Extermination Methods
• The Long Method. The long method has already been activated. It was first suggested many years ago by think tanks worried about overpopulation. Actually, there is no overpopulation since the Earth produces enough food to feed three Earths. However, that is not how the elite define overpopulation. To them, overpopulation means more people than they need to service them as slaves. Because of technology, less slaves are needed, and to have too many people always entails a risk that the slave masses will rise up and overthrow the ruling elite. So, the size of the “herd” — as they like to call you — must be controlled.
So the think tanks recommended that ways be found to decrease the birth rate and increase the death rate among the slave class. One of the first programs was to develop “the pill” for women since it was doubtful people would ever stop having sex. Next, cures for diseases were suppressed and new deadly diseases — such as AIDS — were created. Then legalized abortion took out about 25% of pregnancies. Later, when most food was processed food as opposed to natural food, it was easy to put in “additives” which were really slow poisons. GMO foods were a great way to create real looking food which, in reality, was not fit for human consumption and caused cancer and sterility in later generations. Later (and this is reportedly Bill Gates main responsibility now as a Bilderberg member) vaccines to be given free to undeveloped countries were tainted with agents designed to cause permanent sterility. And, of course, there were also deliberately created viruses for “natural” pandemics to quickly take out populations such as the new enhanced Ebola reportedly designed by scientists at Tulane University and tested in Africa killing almost twelve thousand people. And, of course, there is the classic method, namely war.
• The Short Method. The short method necessitates more direct methods. Now that a completion date — 2030 — has been specified, the world elite wants you dead by 2030. Those chosen to live on into the “new world” reportedly have been given a “ticket” which will allow them access to some protected area — most likely underground — when the culling begins.
There are reports that the US has already requested an extension to the year 2050. The US has a problem, because its citizens are armed and the US constitution guarantees that right. So, some way must be found to disarm the general population before the mass killing begins, since, obviously, they would resist being rounded up and killed. Once the guns are gone, they will be sitting ducks. So far, psyops showing people with guns doing horrible things have not been sufficient enough to emotionally traumatize the population so that they will agree to gun confiscation. However, the planners are giving it their best shot and even having the President pretend to cry.
You probably don’t know, however, reportedly, the US, sometimes directly but mainly through its contractors, kills about one hundred thousand people every day because they dislike them for some reason. Also, your “crying President” — and this has been reported in the news — sits down every Tuesday with a stack of index cards — each representing a human being — and calmly checks off who is to be murdered.
• The Great Culling. The concept of “the great culling” is not new. There were quite a few foreign students, when I was in college, who, of course, came from “well placed” families and they knew about the plan. However, since we were all being groomed to be future aristocrats, it was not considered an issue, because such things would not affect us. However, now it is “crunch time” and, unless you have “a ticket,” the grim reaper is on the way to see you.
• The FEMA Death Camps. The FEMA death camps are interesting. We know that they are highly automated killing centers where people will be loaded onto conveyer belts which will take them to be slaughtered at the rate of sixty per minute. However, all this seems expensive and complicated when you consider all the other ways available to kill people. After all, humanity over the years has honed its killing skills into a fine art.
So, we want to look a little deeper. Why do you need to transport people to a special central location just to kill them? Well, if you have watched the free YouTube video “A Rothschild Speaks Out” by Project Camelot, you know that the US has perfected the technique of taking people’s Souls out of their body and putting them “in storage until needed.” So, why would you need to store people’s Souls? Well, for one thing, Souls are the only thing advanced science cannot create. Only God can create a Soul. However, scientists can and do manufacture human bodies and also human clones. And, these “creations” need to be animated by Souls.
Brave New World Order
We assume you have read the classic Brave New World by Huxley. In case you haven’t, there is a BBC production based on his book which you can download free from YouTube.
Now, recall that Huxley’s “new world” involved manufacturing people with different levels of intelligence and also with desires to be used as slaves. In fact, they loved to be slaves and had no desire to be anything else. The “Alpha Class” consisted of regular people who had not been modified or degraded, and this class ran the new world.
Part of Area 51 as well as other locations are now manufacturing people. It would not be difficult with today’s technologies to actually create Huxley’s “brave new world” for real. The people with the “tickets” are the chosen elite. They will be the “Alpha Class.” They are not going to want to do any physical work in the new world. Therefore, they will need slaves. Creating perfect slaves who have no desire to be anything except slaves would solve this problem. Of course, they would need Souls. So now you may be beginning to see why there is a need to steal the Souls of those killed in the great culling.
Another use for stolen Souls is as “temps” to use in clones until the original person is near death and needs to switch his/her Soul to awaiting younger clone. Then the Soul extraction technique will be used to put the “temp Soul” back in storage and the old person’s Soul in a fresh body.
Now, all of this is pure black magic and is a direct violation of Universal Law and, specifically, IGC Directive One. Since the penalty for this, if apprehended, is banishment from God’s Creation, these people must take care not to be caught. Consequently, they love this planet with all its underground hideaways and the fact that it is controlled by some of the most evil black magicians in the entire universe. They intend to make this their permanent home. It will also be your permanent home if they capture your Soul. Now that the year 2030 has been officially given as the scheduled completion date, if you disagree with these plans, you have less than fourteen years to take action to put a stop to this madness.
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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right