Question Everything!Everything!! |

Welcome to Truth, FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience. , is an alternative media and news site that is dedicated to the truth, true journalism and the truth movement. The articles, ideas, quotes, books and movies are here to let everyone know the truth about our universe. The truth will set us free, it will enlighten, inspire, awaken and unite us. Armed with the truth united we stand, for peace, freedom, health and happiness for all

Question Everything!

This blog does not promote
This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.

"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier
Monday, October 28, 2019
Is It Illegal To Declare Yourself A Sovereign Individual?
Is It Illegal To Declare Yourself A Sovereign Individual?]
Are Sovereign Citizens A Threat To The Country? Is It Illegal To Declare Yourself A Sovereign Individual?
Lets start with who I am a I am a free inhabitant a Sovereign my name is Joseph F Barber and I was raised from birth as my father my mother and their parents and theirs before them to be freethinkers and free inhabitants of this world there Is a difference between the Sovereigns and Sovereign citizens I agree but in many cases the Sovereign citizen is making choices and life events and at times life altering events and violence acted out on the idea they are not being fairly treated or have rights others may not have so they believe that is the misinformed individual citizen of not n ill informed citizenry will be governed and ruled
The question in many peoples minds on this subject comes from the indoctrination of most of the citizenry understand the founding fathers were sovereigns and the true sovereign understands that we the people and the citizens of our world have become captives of government You are a fellow Captive of government. We are all captives of government, because we have forgotten what truth makes us free. Government truth is qualified as to people, place and purpose. God’s truth is universal. It is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith that obedience to God’s laws will make us free. God makes His laws easily known by writing them on every human heart. The Congress of the United States has become the Tower of Babel of written law.
Are Sovereign Citizens a domestic threat to Law Enforcement? Does the fact that Sovereign citizens believe that the current system of government is illegal provide a security risk? Although sovereign citizen beliefs are not mainstream yet, they are not committing crimes!
Sovereign citizens do not believe that the income tax laws of the United States were legally ratified. They also do not believe in asking another human being for permission to engage in legal activities. they do not believe in the necessity of acquiring licenses, permits, etc.
Sovereign citizens do not believe that the income tax laws of the United States were legally ratified. They also do not believe in asking another human being for permission to engage in legal activities. they do not believe in the necessity of acquiring licenses, permits, etc.
They also vocally acknowledge the fact that United States currency is based on debt and holds no intrinsic value. This does not equal a violation of Law. These beliefs do not pose any threat to the nation!
There are self proclaimed sovereign citizens that do violate the Law. This is true of any demographic in the country. Simply stating a status as sovereign does not make the person a threat to anyone or anything. There can be a multitude of stories posted of Law Enforcement officials violating the Law and doing major harm to individuals. This does not equate to all Law Enforcement agents being a threat to the United States!
There is a very small number of sovereign citizens that are charged and found guilty of financial fraud, impersonating Law Enforcement agents, even threatening Officers of the Law directly. This does not hold true for every sovereign in the country.
Just because an individual questions the legality of traffic stops or vehicle registrations, does not make them extremists. Since when does questioning authority equate to illegal activities. Of course it will be true that there are sovereign citizens that are a threat, there are also government agents that could resort to violence if provoked!
And in many cases provoked or not law Enforcement by the color of Authority will abuse you and your rights with inpunity. As a follower of God’s law, you need only learn how to avoid becoming a person in a place with a government purpose to stay clear of government and its laws. it is of the upmost importance that you learn the truth behind our founding and the principles by which we are governed its based on the the Organic Law, basic documents, upon which government patterns its laws. Government doesn’t know the limitations of its written law, because it doesn’t know the Organic Law of the United States of America.
The Organic Law consists of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 and the Constitution for the United States of America. The educational aid and assistance that I will provide will enable the person in captivity to present their own paper work to be freed. As we progress with the educational program other methods of attacking the incarceration will present themselves. Every means of education will be used to obtain the release of the person held captive as individual economies permit.

Sovereign Citizens and Violence!
There have been altercations between Law Enforcement and Sovereign Citizens which have resulted in deaths on both sides. Any violence that is committed is wrong, it matters not which side initiated the violence. There are extremist individuals in all walks of life, no sane person would condone violence in any form!
Six agents from Law Enforcement have been killed since the year 2000 during conflicts with individuals that have claimed their status as sovereign. Each instance of violence is a tragedy that no person in their right frame of mind would condone.
The most discussed incident occurred in 2010 in Arkansas. This atrocity happened when Jerry Kane and his sixteen year old son Joseph was stopped by Law enforcement officers on Interstate 40 during a routine traffic stop. Joseph Kane exited the vehicle with an AK-47 and opened fire, killing two officers. No self respecting Sovereign citizen would ever pardon such actions, as this gives cause to Law Enforcement to single out Sovereign citizens as a threat to society.

Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement.
The sovereign citizen movement is sure to gain in the number of individuals declaring their sovereign status, as more people become aware of the facts. Due to the internet, information is readily available for those interested in truth! Many people will also attend seminars on the subject. Once again, this does not make these people domestic threats in any way. Only through actions can someone be declared as an extremist. Just because someone holds a particular belief, this alone does not constitute a threat.
The threat occurs when uneducated government agents are not properly trained to deal with sovereign individuals. Although many sovereign citizens make claims upon the government in an attempt to access government held accounts, this by itself does not make them dangerous. If the activities these people engage in are illegal, then it would be up to a Common Law Court to address the infractions. The claims of fraudulent activities are completely false until proven beyond a reasonable doubt within a Court of Law!
The chance of violence during Police confrontations increase as the number of self proclaimed sovereign-citizens rises. This is due to the individuals themselves, the larger number of individuals taking part in this movement also increases the chances that violent individuals will become part of the movement. There is also a responsibility upon Law Enforcement to treat these people with the respect and courtesy that they deserve as an individual!
Both Law Enforcement agents as well as Judicial Officials need to understand the movement of the sovereign citizen. The sovereign citizens also need to show these individuals the respect that they deserve. There is no reason that either side would have to resort to violence during any incidents of sovereign/police interactions. Labeling every individual that has declared a sovereign status as a threat is not conducive to civil encounters.We don’t have legal problems we have problems with a government that wants to make rules and regulations for us, as if there was no God. Lawyers cannot help us. Becoming a government citizen will not help us. Innocence will not help us. Pontius Pilate, the embodiment of government, found Jesus Christ innocent, but allowed Him to be crucified in order to support government. Jesus Christ submitted to show us how government will assist those allied with government to punish and even kill the innocent.
We know Satan the devil controls all governments, because he tempted Jesus Christ with the possession of that authority. Jesus was not tempted, but politicians have succumbed to temptation, as have all the Presidents. Worldwide, governments are in the control of the devil and politicians. Government mimics God’s law in order to obtain obedience to its written law. Jesus taught obedience to the law God wrote on every heart. Strict obedience to government law is required only by those in the government otherwise the conflict of serving two masters arises.
Written laws that demand precise attention to detail confirm that hidden in that law are minute details that exclude huge populations from its application. The popular saying: “The devil is in the details,” explains how every written law is limited to a certain place on Earth where politicians rule in league with the devil. My investigation of written law has uncovered no conflict with God’s laws, which proves that even Satan the devil must play by God’s rules. Written law governs the government and is operable only on territory owned by government. “Render Unto Caesar” means that government rules what belongs to the government. Written law expands its territory by deception, because all written law requires consent. One cannot consent to that which is ambiguous.
Real laws, the laws of nature, are unwritten gifts from God the Creator to make us free. When written laws are used to take God’s freedom from us, we must all be certain that all the written laws are known and that they have been properly applied. Lies are told in words. Lies exist as oral or written creations of mankind. The lower animals do not have the need or ability to lie. Modern governments have always been products of written law and written laws are always wrong, when written law is applied outside of government.
Written laws can only be made from human language and at their best they are only marginally accurate in their prescriptions and descriptions. While God’s laws are the truths that make us free, written laws have become traps that imprison us. For example, unalienable rights are God’s laws and written laws must, as supported by the Declaration of Independence, apply only to a government whose purpose it is to secure those unalienable rights for the people. Complex and intricate bureaucratic government institutions are meant to ensnare those looking for the simple application of God’s unwritten law. Government laws must conform with God’s laws, so as with all written laws loopholes abound in government laws.
you must free yourselves from the prison of government lies and usurpation of the power of the people to rule themselves, if you can train your mind to seek the confirmation of legal authority in one or more of the four Organic Laws. Government lies and deception are now easy to expose using simple exercises that help explain the Constitution. The first you will learn is the Lesson of Step Child Constitution. In that lesson, you will learn that the Constitution has not be “Adopted” so that an eligible person can be elected to and fill the Office of President.m the prison of government lies and usurpation of the power of the people to rule themselves, if you can train your mind to seek the confirmation of legal authority in one or more of the four Organic Laws. Government lies and deception are now easy to expose using simple exercises that help explain the Constitution. The first you will learn is the Lesson of Step Child Constitution. In that lesson, you will learn that the Constitution has not be “Adopted” so that an eligible person can be elected to and fill the Office of President.George Washington did not qualify for the Office of President at the time he was elected by the Presidential Electors. Because of his failure to qualify for the Office to which he was elected, he took the oath of Office of President of the United States, an Office for which the Constitution established no term or qualifications. Washington was not qualified the first time he was elected because the 14 Years residency requirement could not be met until July 4, 1790 and he was elected on February 4, 1789 and took the oath of Office of President of the United States on April 30, 1789. Washington was re-elected when the 14 Years residency was easily met, however, by then the written Constitution had not been “Adopted,” for the United States of America.
The Constitution has been adopted by the United States Government as a model for its special government called the “federal government.” However, such an adoption has made it impossible for the Confederacy, the United States of America to adopt the Constitution, without acknowledging that the United States Government has been limited to government territory and government property, and it has been intentionally acting outside its territorial understand you must learn how the Organic Laws function together and how they are supposed to make the different parts of the Constitution function. As you read this letter, certain parts of this letter will better understood by you than other parts. The one part of this letter that everyone will agree on is the importance of the deception of George Washington’s oath of Office. When Washington was elected to the Office of President by the Presidential Electors, he became President of the United States of America, because that is the way the Constitution was written. The Office of President of the United States of America is not an Office under the authority of the Constitution. The United States of America was created by the Articles of Confederation, the second Organic Law. That Organic Law does not require a president to take any oath of Office, so George Washington becomes President of the United States of America without taking any oath. When Washington does take an oath, it is an oath to an Office that has no definite term or any qualifications.
Sovereign citizens, of the United States
Sovereign Citizens are labeled by the F.B.I.!
Do Sovereign Citizens Pose A Terrorist Threat?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has chosen to categorize Sovereign Citizens as a domestic terror threat.
Why has this label been placed upon individuals seeking to regain their natural status in this world? Because Sovereign citizens are a threat to the illegal systems operating within the government of the United States. This is not a threat of violence. In fact if enough people become aware of the facts, the current system of government would be abolished and replaced with a new form of governance that holds the people in high esteem instead of kowtowing to their corporate masters!
To get society to believe in this threat the F.B.I. has used Oklahoma city bomber Terry Nichols as the poster boy for the movement. This is ridiculous! That would be like portraying Timothy McVeigh as the poster boy for returning veterans. Both of these concepts do nothing but insult both groups. Of course veterans returning home from defending their nation have also been marked as potential threats.
Sovereign citizens are not all militia members, although some may be. Neither are they anarchists, although some may be. The same can be said for Law Enforcement. Is there any proof that there are not Police Officers or F.B.I agents that do not consider themselves sovereign individuals?
In fact members of the Sovereign movement have no central leadership, they live as individuals! Thus the title of Sovereign is applied! Sovereign citizens do come together occasionally to share information and educate the interested in the details of the movement.

These human beings may also consider themselves to be Constitutionalists or Freeman on the Land. This does not mean these people are members of any organization, it means that they consider themselves to be FREE, they are free from government control. Free from ownership and contracts that they never consented on entering in to! Sovereigns refuse to be considered property!
They follow Common Law! Statutes, Codes, and Bylaws, although having the power of Law in an Admiralty Court, have no jurisdiction over a Freeman! Every Sovereign citizen will hold their own beliefs and these beliefs may vary greatly between individuals. But their core beliefs will remain constant. Although government will claim that Sovereign individuals do not hold respect for Law, this is not true! Sovereigns cherish Common Law .
The basis of the American criminal justice system is based on a military model. For many years, it has been suggested and firmly believed by many that the United States government courts were admiralty courts and the country was being ruled by admiralty law. There is no denying that the United States Government appears to use military law in its courts and judicial procedure. Article III Section 2 Clause 1 of the Constitution clearly states that the Judicial Power of the United States of America extends to admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. However, as the Constitution has not been “Adopted,” by the President of the United States of America, the Constitution is not the source of admiralty or maritime judicial power.
The United States Government uses the military authority of the President of the United States of America, which is derived from the Articles of Confederation to make laws for the government and to exercise all the other powers conferred in the Articles of Confederation. The power to administer and manage the territory and other property belonging to the United States of America such as Washington, D. C. and similar property belonging to the United States of America is a proprietary power not one that is legislative. The exercise of the proprietary power appears to be legislative because the Congress is a body consisting of the numerous member States. All the executive power of government is derived from the war making authority and other powers granted the Confederacy, in Article IX of the Articles of Confederation. Any authority not found in the Articles of Confederation can be conjured up from the proprietary power derived from the ownership of government territory and property through out the several states.
American government is based on the perpetual lies told by every person elected to the Office of President, an office of the Articles of Confederation. These lies are based on the premise that the Constitution has repealed and replaced the Articles of Confederation. I deal with that erroneous contention by showing that though there are attempt to ordain and establish the written Constitution for the “People of the United States” and that same Constitution provides for ratification by the States no “Adoption” of the Constitution ever takes place. Without an “Adoption” of the Constitution by the person elected to the Office of President, the only Officer capable of that act, the Constitution is limited to the function of acting as an amendment to the Articles of Confederation.

Sovereign Beliefs!
One of the theories that most sovereign individuals study is the Redemption of their government created corporate strawman. This theory is supported by the bankruptcy of the United States in the year 1933. It was at this time that the United States abandoned the gold standard for a worthless currency based on fractional reserve banking. The elimination of a National currency for the emergence of a private Federal Reserve Note that is backed by nothing but air. It was at this time that the Federal government created bonds backed up by their living, breathing, human population in trade agreements with governments of foreign nations! The population is used as collateral!
The sovereign citizens know that the Federal government of the United States serves corporate masters, ignoring the well being and financial security of its people. The belief that the Income tax laws have no basis in legality. Sovereigns do not believe that Income tax laws are legal or necessary. The acquisition of licenses, permits, etc are also unnecessary as it is silly to believe that an individual would need permission from another individual or group of individuals to engage in activities that are not illegal to begin with.
To claim that the sovereign citizen movement does not honor Laws is also a lie. These people honor Common Law. Do no harm to others, do not take or damage another's property, and be honest when entering into contracts ! Everyone should know that it is the Presidential Electors now called the Electoral College not the voters who elect the person who fills the Office of President. No one knows that the person elected President takes the oath of Office for another Office and never takes the oath of Office of President. A vacant Office of President makes it impossible for there to be a Constitution for the United States of America. Millions of voters cast their ballots for a President of the United States knowing that they aren’t really going to elect a President of the United States. What would happen if they learned the truth? The truth is the person elected President by the Electoral College should take an oath to hold the Office of President and to support the Constitution as it is written.
Everyone wrongly thinks the President Elect takes an oath to support the Constitution, which was written and ratified just before Washington was elected to the Office of President. The truth is no President has ever taken an oath to support the Constitution or tell the American people the truth. The oath of Office of President of the United States was first whispered by George Washington to an audience straining to hear the truth, was supposed to be a promise to support. Washington whispered the oath to limit the number of witnesses to what he had done. Remember, the President Elect produced no written record of the oath he had just taken and audio recordings would not be possible until there were few if any Americans to question the oath being taken. Your first steps toward freedom are learning the Presidential electoral process and the procedure involved in the taking of the oath of office.
The wording of the oath of Office of President of the United States permits the President of the United States of America to name himself dictator, by taking the oath of Office of President of the United States. These truths and the others that will be revealed can only be known by you, if you read the Constitution literally. For example, the Office of President is not the Office of President of the United States or any other Office. When these Offices are kept separate, you the Captive of government can be freed.
Who are the Sovereign Citizens?
More on the Redemption Process!
The Redemption Theory is one that believes that by using certain tactics, the bond placed on an individual can be accessed for the purpose of discharging debt.
The belief in this bond emanated from the teaching that the United States became bankrupt during the 1930s. At the same time the Federal government altered the nations currency from one that was backed up with gold to one that had nothing to base its value on. This belief holds that the United States dollar is in fact a worthless piece of linen!
Having nothing to present to foreign governments for collateral, the government used the ability to tax the time, energy, and labor of its citizens to backup loans to the Federal government. Using the lure of a benefit from acquiring a social security number combined with the responsibility of a mother to inform the Federal government of the issuance of a new piece of chattel, by endorsing the Certificate of Live Birth. Once done the child is a registered piece of property belonging to the Federal government. Later the government issues a Birth Certificate so that a bond can be created using the child's name in CAPITAL letters as a fictional corporate entity.
FBI CLAIMS: Sovereign Citizens a Growing Domestic Threat to Law Enforcement
The belief is that the bond placed upon each individual holds a worth of between half a million to three million dollars. Sovereign citizens believe this money is located within a U.S. Treasury Direct account. It is in an account under the name of a fictional straw-man, which can be accessed. This strawman is the humans name spelled with capital letters.
Whether or not this is true is open to debate, yet the Federal government accuses those that try to access this account with extortion. Sovereign citizens will use IRS and Uniform Commercial Code forms in an attempt to discharge debt through the U.S. Treasury.
Whether these actions are successful or not is not the issue, the clogging of Courts and other government agencies with these documents is what is actually causing any disruptions. There are some individuals that use the Strawman Redemption theory to defraud other individuals. They do this by charging fees to file these documents or teach others how to file them.Freedom comes from knowing how government in America was slowly taken over by George Washington representing the military establishment. These truths are hidden in the different names given to the Presidential Offices held by the same person. The President Elect lies when he first tells Americans that he will be Commander in Chief under the authority of the Constitution. Until the President Elect takes the oath of Office of President of the United States, the President Elect is next in line to be Commander in Chief under the Articles of Confederation. Presidents no matter how they describe themselves are not primarily civilians they are military Commanders in Chief under the Articles of Confederation who are preparing to become domestic dictators.
Laws created and established by the Creator as the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence are the ideal examples of legislation. According to the Declaration of Independence, governments are instituted among men to secure the unalienable rights devised by the Creator, so we can logically expect written laws to apply to government for the purpose of restraining government. In fact, the pronouncement that government are made for the purpose of securing unalienable rights confirms that written laws are only for the purpose of restraining government. No one will claim that government of late has been limited to the duty described on July 4, 1776. You are, in fact, an innocent captive because it was alleged you violated written law.
Government was officially restricted by the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation to securing the rights endowed by the Creator, at least for a short time in America, the people were entirely free of government by men. Written law controlled government and left the people to be ruled by God and the English common law. July 4, 1776 marked the official beginning of the end in America of government by one man, the King of England. Faced with the prospect of being defeated by the British, the States that had been established by the people of the English colonies began the delegation of those powers best exercised jointly against a common enemy.
We are captives of government because we have allowed ourselves to become the subjects of legislation. Such a transformation and resulting imprisonment is only possible if government has taken the place of the Creator. Despite the national motto: In God We Trust, the Creator has ceased to be the origin of unwritten law and unalienable rights. In America, God has been replaced by the cult of the Constitution in which unalienable rights have been replaced by constitutional rights. The amendment of the Constitution with the so-called Bill of Rights confirms the adoption of the Constitution by the United States Government for the further creation of legislation for the people of the United States living on government territory.
Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement
F.B.I., Indications that you are dealing with a Sovereign Citizen.
The F.B.I. warnings that you might be dealing with a sovereign individual.
Sovereign citizens will use legal documents in an attempt to access their Treasury Direct Account. They may use strange language on these documents to try to fulfill their Redemption Process. They may also use certain colors, such as red marker.
Other signs that the Federal Bureau of Investigations claims are signs of a Sovereign citizen:
- If an individual uses Biblical references.
- If an individual uses references to the United States Constitution.
- If an individual cites Supreme Court decisions.
- If an Individual references Treaties with foreign governments.
- If an individual uses personal names spelled with all capital letters. They may also use colons within their name. (e.g. Doe: John or John Doe)
- Personal endorsements using the terms "under duress" or "Sovereign Living Soul" (SLS) or using a copyright symbol on their endorsement. (©)
- The use by an individual of personal seals, personal stamps, or a thumbprint in red ink.
- An individual that uses the term : "Accepted for Value"
Sovereign citizens will travel in vehicles without believing that a drivers license is necessary. They do not drive per se but use the term travel in place of drive. While not engaging in any commercial activities the sovereign citizen does not believe it is Constitutional to require a license to engage in travelling on public through-ways If they consent to acquiring a drivers license, they may write "No liability accepted" next to their endorsement on the drivers license. The sovereign individual does not believe that a drivers license is acceptable as a legitimate form of identification!
Killing The Presumptions That Sovereign Citizens are Guilty
Claims against the Sovereign individual!
The claims made against the Sovereign citizen movement include attempting to harass or intimidate Law Enforcement personnel, the Court systems, and employees of financial institutions. This alleged harassment and intimidation takes the form of a refusal to cooperate with requests from these entities. They may also demand an Oath of Office or evidence of jurisdiction. The sovereign citizen may also attempt to film interactions with Law Enforcement that is later posted to the internet to document all confrontations with authority. They might also file lawsuits or liens against real property.
Sovereign individual may use their own Court systems to issue forms of indictments, warrants, and various other documents. They often will use official government documents to alter certain individuals credit and financial histories. Although these attempts may appear to be fraudulent, they cannot be ignored as the documents can be detrimental to the targeted individual.
In 2007, the Court Security Improvement Act created a form of protection for the individuals that have been targeted by a sovereign citizen! Under Title 18, the provisions that were created made it a criminal offense to file fraudulent liens against real or personal property of Law Enforcement officers and other government employees. This would also include Judges and Prosecutors. This Act would make a criminal offense of disclosing to the public any personal or identifying information used to intimidate or inspire violence against any of these individuals.Government in America is not real except in the sense that it is described by written words that are arranged into written laws. The division of the electorate into a Democrat and Republican parties should alert any sane person that a substantial amount of reality is missing from the system. I will you how to be free by confining government to a physical space where government’s written laws can make sense.
and nowhere is this more evident than in the United States of America. I refer to the States as they existed just prior to the Declaration of Independence.
Government will put a person in prison to subjection to foreign written law. You are reading this I teach people who want to be free of government how to free themselves. Since the American Civil War, government has been growing in power in America.
All worldly governments use ignorance and deceit to make us captives of their written laws. The difference between written and unwritten law is obvious, but it is very difficult for most people to accept unwritten law as the only source of freedom. This letter may be your first exposure to a new way of looking at the law and government, so you may have a lot of difficulty accepting the ideas I’m presenting. Your mind is

Even though it is rare for a Sovereign citizen to resort to violence, the F.B.I. has issued warnings to Law Enforcement agencies to become educated as to how to deal with a sovereign individual. It does not need to be stated that Police Officers should be cautious when dealing with any individual, they are recommended to be extra vigilant when confronting a sovereign.
There are definitely some sovereign individuals that will attempt to operate fraudulent scams. Police Departments need to protect their citizens from these activities. They will also need to become aware of these scams in order to perform their duties. Police Officers should be alert to blow-back from these scammers as they might use legal documents for the purpose of placing liens on the Officers.
It would be prudent for Police departments to train their Officers to understand the concepts of the sovereign movement. Understanding these individuals will help Police to properly deal with them. Just because a person declares themselves sovereign, this alone does not make the person a threat. Only through actions can someone be declared a criminal. What if the sovereign movement is correct in their theories? What if the Federal government does see its population as property? Would it surprise anyone to learn that their government has used propaganda to hide the truth? What is the Truth?
Although this letter is a general response to your letter and all the letters I have received or that I expect to receive concerning an article on the federal courts I wrote in February, 2004, it contains secrets about the law and government that can result in obtaining your freedom. I explained in the beginning of this letter that Satan the devil tempted Jesus Christ with the authority of all world government. Jesus resisted that temptation because all men and women are to be ruled by God. If you have decided to be ruled by God’s laws, you are ready to learn how to free yourself from the rule of men and women.
The 2004 article explained how the United States courts, where all criminal prosecutions take place and that are brought on behalf of the United States of America, are not Article III judicial courts. When I wrote that article, I thought that would be enough to prove the so-called criminal justice was completely broken. Government and United States Justices and Judges continue to claim to Article III courts and judges neglecting to add that they are legislative Article III courts, Justices and Judges. Government remains under the complete control of Satan, the devil.
You are a government captive because of badly interpreted written and misapplied laws. The research that I just completed leaves no significant government secrets unrevealed. I only have to teach you one or more of those and you with the help of others can use the whole truth to make you free. However, only the real truth will make you free. You must only use God’s truth or you will be doing the work of the devil. To be certain you are using God’s truth you must share what you believe to be the truth with others so you can be certain that it will be understood to be the whole truth. Only God’s truth will make you free.
Once I discovered a little bit of God’s truth I decided that I had to do something to help those who have sought my assistance in understanding the true nature of the United States Government and the United States district courts. I will teach you and those who will join you in your education how to become legal geniuses. Jesus Christ has already taught you God’s law or you can learn easily enough. I will teach you enough about written law so you can separate God’s law from written law. In the process of your education, you will free yourselves from your captivity. Once you are free, you will be able to help those who remain in captivity from the outside. The legal profession consisting of attorneys and judges have contributed to the unjust system we have, so they will not be part of the effort to correct it. Lawyers are of no help as long as they practise wrong government and bad written law.
We now know that all legislation made by the Congress of the United States is, of course, written and seriously legally deficient to guide you day to day, because these laws will be assumed to apply outside the government and government territory. Using the fact that all acts of the Congress of the United States are legislative, it is easily shown that Article III courts have never been ordained and established. If you are a federal captive your case was decided in a United States district court. My earlier research on the United States courts clearly revealed those courts to be completely dependent on the will of the Congress of the United States. A court that is entirely dependent on the will of a body of lawmakers cannot be a different independent branch of government.
I am focusing my efforts to free you from your captivity, because by helping you free yourself, you and your family will help me free others who will free themselves and others. Once enough of us are free we may free the world from the ignorance that keeps them from being freed by God’s truth. I don’t think that you will object to the slow start, because I believe my research will eventually result in your certain release.
I have prepared this long letter to provide you with hope and information that I think will eventually result in your release. Your early release will only be possible if we are able to prove that the Congress of the United States and the United States courts are exercising proprietary power rather than governmental power. To do this you must be very attentive of all the material that is presented to you. Read all material critically so that every fact and opinion presented to you is exposed to the utmost scrutiny. Share all the material I provide you and especially invite your smartest friends and acquaintances to comment on it.
The Constitution is a subject everyone has an opinion of, but hardly anyone knows well. This educational course on the law will make you an expert. Every time you get material from me the theme will be the same: learning the truth and using it to set you free. Government courts are not created for the purpose of making you free. All government courts are part of the legislative branch, so the purpose of these courts is to get obedience.
In theory, the people of the States created the “one supreme Court” of Article III, when the people of the first nine States ratified the Constitution. That theory does not hold up sufficiently to create a judicial court for the United States of America. Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation required every state to approve an alteration of the Articles of Confederation and adding a “one supreme Court” was such an alteration. Ratification by nine states was sufficient to approve a legislative Supreme Court and that is what the First Congress did on September 24, 1789. The nine-State ratification also approved the Article I Chief Justice. When the thirteenth State, Rhode Island, ratified the Constitution, it was then possible for the Congress of the United States to ordain Offices for Judges and establish Courts for those Judges. However, by then the Congress of the United States had already legislated inferior legislative courts and would never ordain and establish Article III courts.
There are no Article III judicial courts, because such courts were intended to operate at a high level of the government of States that was never fully implemented. Full implementation would be achieved by the adoption by oath “to support this Constitution,” by the person elected to the Office of President. By employing the same meticulous research as I used to prove there are no Article III United States judicial courts, I have proven that though the “People of the United States” have ordained and established “this Constitution for the United States of America” and the States have ratified “the Constitution of the United States the Constitution has never been adopted. It is my opinion that only the oath of the President Elect “to support this Constitution” will adopt the written Constitution for the United States of America. Because my research revealed no evidence of any ordination or establishment of even one Article III judicial court, I took that as confirmation of my belief that the written Constitution has not been adopted for the United States of America.
I found legislative evidence of the deceptive attempt to create an Article III judicial court by legislation that and much more can be found in the CD book. For those captives of government, with resources on the outside, the best CD book on the subject of the so-called federal courts is our book on CD: What Happened to Justice? Why You Can’t Get Justice in Federal Courts and What to Do About It. The CD book contains our commentary and all the evidence that backs up the conclusions that the United States courts are non-judicial. The CD book contains all the details of the legislative creation of all the United States courts. There is a print version that just contains our commentary. Both versions are only available online from The United States courts are not judicial they are legislative. What that means is explained in the book.
If you had my full and complete knowledge of the non-judicial nature of the federal courts, you still couldn’t prove that the United States district court that had your case was limited to the government territory within the State. It is enough that you know God’s truth. Many people must know the truth about the government before all the innocent get their freedom. The best way to attack your own government problem, be it an indictment, pending jury trial or the setting aside of a conviction, is to share this letter and all the materials you have received from me with others. Fortunately, full knowledge does not have to be possessed by you alone. In fact, it is best if this knowledge is shared among a group of people, so that knowledge cannot to be lost. The truth like love is of little value if it is not shared.
The government became a commercial enterprise, when George Washington took the oath of Office of President of the United States. When he appointed the first United States district court judges, he did it so they could preserve, protect and defend the territory and property belonging to the United States of America. It is not that the United States district courts are not part of the government—they are. The problem for you is that you are being treated as if you have involved yourself in the business of government. As I have shown in my analysis and discussions of George Washington, the business of the United States Government was from his first administration the care and management of the territory and other property belonging to the United States of America, a Confederacy established by the Articles of Confederation.
The best approach and the one that will provide the best result is a full exposure of the entire United States Government. It takes many pages to explain why a federal district judge has no judicial power, while it is relatively simple to show that all the district judges are appointed either by a President of the United States who is part of the legislative branch or the President of the United States of America, who has taken no oath and is part of the United States of America under the Articles of Confederation. With either President, any issue is a matter of a commercial or business nature having nothing to do with the written Constitution.
Education of important issues involving government concepts and proposition of law is the kind of aid and assistance that I am prepared to provide. Although I had graduated in 1971 from UCLA Law School and practiced law for 34 years, I really didn’t fully understand government and the law until I re-examined both subjects without the biases I had been taught. I had a life changing experience. I believe God made me the World’s Greatest Legal Mind so I could teach others to be great legal minds as well. As you already know or as you will soon find out, I am the only scholar researching the true power of the United States trial and appellate courts by direct examination of the Organic Law of the United States of America. The completion of my studies and research allow me to teach you how to free yourself from government captivity with the help of God.
My plan for obtaining the release from custody every person who is unlawfully detained is based on my ability to teach basic law and government to any person willing to devote a few minutes each day to studying a few documents. Over the period of several years, I have developed enough lessons in law and government so that I can teach anyone enough law to overturn a conviction or have an indictment dismissed. The Organic Law of the United States of America consists of a few pages, which I will provide in a form that can be searched by any computer. My plan is to teach the person in captivity and the family and friends of that person so they can work together to achieve the captive’s release from captivity. My research has uncovered so many new reasons why confinements like yours should be found to be without justification, I have instituted this educational program for the friends and family of those like you in government captivity.
My prior research on the true character of the so-called federal courts revealed them to be legislative. By legislative, I mean that the federal courts had no independent government power to decide all the issues of a genuine case or controversy existing between two parties. In every federal criminal prosecution, the plaintiff or injured party is the United States of America. I have established that the Article II Section 1 President of the United States of America represents the executive power of the United States of America as that power is set out in the Articles of Confederation.
My latest research on the so-called executive branch conclusively confirmed the Office of President of the United States to be legislative. The two Offices: President of the United States and Vice President of the United States are found in Article I and further computer searches of the Constitution relative to the duties, qualifications and term of office confirm the two Offices to be legislative without definite terms or qualifications.
These findings of legislative characteristics to the United States courts and the Office of President of the United States do not confirm in the Congress of the United States legislative power. Rather, Congress exercises proprietary rights with respect to territory and other property belonging to the United States of America. Proprietary power instead of legislative power confirms the finding of no adoption of “this Constitution.”
How can you change the course of history? If you ask for and receive God’s forgiveness, your efforts to achieve your own freedom will free the world. Immediately, tell Donald Trump elected to the Office of President to take that Office by swearing or affirming to support the Constitution written in 1787. The Constitution has not been “Adopted,” because no President has ever sworn or affirmed an oath “to support this Constitution.” Plead with the President Elect Donald Trump to change the course of history by taking an oath “to support this Constitution.”
Very truly yours,
Joseph F Barber
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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right