Question Everything!Everything!!

Question Everything!

Question Everything!

This blog does not promote

This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.


"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier

Monday, April 21, 2014

To Arms! – The Blueprint for an American Patriot Insurgency

To Arms! – The Blueprint for an American Patriot Insurgency


Despite the best efforts of patriots to restore The Republic peacefully, it may soon become necessary to engage in armed resistance in order

To do so. Any resistance movement needs a good plan of action to be successful.
That is where this manual comes in. Its purpose is to educate patriots on how
to effectively wage a campaign of armed resistance against the oppressive
forces of the government if, and when, it becomes necessary. Perhaps you have
come into possession of this manual at a time when hostilities have already
commenced. Whatever the case may be, it is essential for our success that this
manual is widely circulated and read by as many patriots as possible. You are
encouraged to share this manual as well as copy it by whatever means are
available to. This manual serves as a recruiting tool to enlist those who are
willing to serve at the forefront of our cause. Be cautious, however, when
sharing or distributing this manual. The regime would likely find the
information contained in this manual a grave threat to them and would not
hesitate to arrest and imprison anyone caught in possession of it. Therefore,
only share it face-to-face with people you trust unquestionably, and when
disseminating it to the public at large, do so covertly.

Why We Must Resist

Our country was founded on the principles of self-governanceand on the idea that there are certain intrinsic rights and freedoms thatshould be guaranteed to all people. Our constitution establishes laws thatprotect those rights and freedoms. However, the constitution has been underrelentless assault by those who wish to destroy our long established heritageof life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Liberties that we once took forgranted are now being trampled upon at an alarming rate. The train ofconstitutional abuses that have been perpetrated upon the American people aretoo numerous to be listed here, but it is clear that the current regime isattempting to transform this country into a totalitarian state. In doing so,the regime has declared war on the American people. We must invoke our inherentright, which was expounded upon by our founding fathers in The Declaration ofIndependence, which states that the people have a right to alter or abolishtheir government when it becomes a threat to their freedoms.

 As American citizens we have the right and responsibility to resist totalitarianism by whatever
means necessary. Some may criticize the notion of armed action as being too
radical. We are urged to continue protesting by peaceful means and await a
political solution to our problems. However, these voices do not understand
that our political system is broken and corrupted and there is little hope for
change within that framework. Armed conflict may become the only possible
option to restore The Republic and we must prepare accordingly. No one who is
of sound mind wishes for violent confrontation. However, as the American people
continue to wait for the unlikely prospect of a political solution, the
chokehold of the police state apparatus tightens around us. The enemy is
arming, training and strategically positioning their forces rapidly while
simultaneously attempting to disarm the public. We must not wait to be
checkmated. Patriots must begin arming, organizing and educating themselves for
the very real possibility of a violent confrontation with the forces of the

The Enemy

 Put simply, those in the government who are culpable in the
attempt to destroy our rights and have ushered in a state of tyranny are part
of the regime and the regime is our enemy. Likewise, the enforcers of
the regime is our enemy. They include law enforcement (local, state and
federal) and military personnel (foreign or domestic) that have chosen to do
the bidding of the regime and carry out acts of repression on their behalf.

The Regime – Revolutionaries, Terrorists and Dividers

The Patriot Movement is accused of wanting to foment a
. However, our cause is a counter-revolution for it is the regime
which has subverted the rule of law and is therefore culpable of insurrection.
In truth, it is the regime that is waging a revolution. It is our cause that
wishes to restore The Republic in the face of those who are attempting to
overthrow it.

In its propaganda efforts, the regime has attempted to cast
a negative light on patriots by referring to us as potential terrorists and
racists. However, it is the regime that has become the true terrorist through
its heavy-handed police state policies which have been implemented, ironically,
under the guise of protecting us from terrorists. As for the charge of racism,
it is the regime that has attempted to foment racial division in American
society through its propaganda arm known as the mainstream media. Our movement
knows no race, color, creed, sex or religious belief. It is simply the just
against the unjust, the free against those who wish to enslave.

                              The Root of Our Problems

                                 We must be cognizant of the originating source of the evil
                                 machinations that seek to destroy our liberty. That source is the banking and
                                 corporate interests headed by powerful elites who have hijacked our government
                                 and placed their operatives in seats of power in order to subjugate the
                                 American people. Such a statement is not an indictment of the free market
                                 system for it is these interests who have perverted that system for their own
                                 ends. These interests are the ones who have manipulated our banking system in
                                 order to impoverish the American people and steal our nation’s wealth. In our
                                 quest to free ourselves from tyranny and restore The Republic, let us not fail
                                 to treat the disease and not just its symptoms.

 Political Considerations

 Resistance movements are political movements and must
therefore be rooted in a coherent political ideology. We cannot convince the
public to fight with us if they do not know what we are fighting for and what
our plans for governance will be upon victory. The Patriot Movement is, by and
large, a restoration movement. Our movement seeks to restore the rule of law
according to the constitution, in its current iteration, which is the supreme
law of the land and which supersedes all laws, rules and regulations that have
been enacted or any other   government actions that are inconsistent with
it.  That simple idea is what our
movement must be built around.

However, at some point the more complex issues of how to
restore The Republic must be considered as well. It cannot be restored
overnight. The details of how exactly it is to be restored will likely require
a modern version of the Continental Congress. Delegates that are freely chosen
from among the people will have to convene in order to establish the details of
a full constitutional restoration, and until that can be accomplished, on what
form of governance should be implemented in the interim.

Undoubtedly, the effort to fully restore The Republic will
be a challenging endeavor, but patriots should demand nothing less. Our
freedom, our future and the fate of the free world depends on our success.

The Lexington Event

 The present political situation in the United States in not
unlike the situation that our ancestors faced over two hundred years ago at the
dawn of our nation. When the British attempted to oppress the colonists,
American patriots rose to the occasion and confronted it without hesitation no
matter the odds. We must find this same spirit within ourselves and face down
the tyranny that is upon us just as our patriot ancestors did when they steadfastly
confronted British aggression in Lexington where the “shot heard ‘round the
world” took place that began the American Revolution.

What might be our Lexington event? What might be the “shot
round the world” this time? What will finally begin the uprising of the defenders
of liberty when they have reached the limits of their endurance? Will it be an
unprecedented act of police state oppression? Will it be an attack on the
second amendment in an attempt to defang the American people? Will American
citizens finally see the political farce in Washington for what it is and
finally decide to exercise their natural right to alter or abolish the present
system? Who can say for sure what will be the catalyst for an uprising, but if
the past is any indicator of the future, such an event is likely in our near

                                The Importance of Public

                                      History has shown that for a resistance movement to succeed,
                                      it must have the support of the population. Actively, the people can provide
                                      needed resources for the resistance such as food, shelter, medicine,
                                      intelligence, weapons, ammunition and of course it is from the people that
                                     willing members of the resistance will spring forth. Passively, if the people
                                     support or even maintain neutral stance to our cause, they will look the other
                                     way when we operate and will, at the very least, not be a hindrance to our
                                     efforts. Therefore, every effort should be made at winning and maintaining the
                                     support of the people. It is important they understand that we fight for them.

Can We Succeed?

There are defeatists who say that a popular uprising stands
little chance of succeeding against the might of the regime. However, nothing
could be further from the truth. A popular uprising utilizing the right tactics
stands a tremendous chance of succeeding. Currently, there is enough negative
sentiment against the regime so as to ensure the right political atmosphere, at
least in large segments of the country, for such a resistance. As far as the
strength of arms of a potential resistance, the following facts must be taken
into account.

Guerrilla movements are often plagued

with the problem of equipping their forces. However, that problem would
not exist for any resistance movement here in America. There are
approximately 310 million privately owned firearms in the United States
(114 million handguns, 110 million rifles and 86 million shotguns)
possessed by approximately 80 million citizens.
A large number of patriots are former
members of our military who have in-depth knowledge of warfare as well as
extensive combat experience.
In the American Revolution, only
three percent of the population actually fought the British. If only three
percent were to fight today, the combatants would number over nine
There are numerous examples of
resistance movements that have been successful against a better equipped
and  technologically superior
opponent such as the Vietnamese against the French and later the
Americans, the Mujahedeen against the Soviets, and of course, the American
Colonists against the British just to name a few.

Patriot Police and Military Personnel

 Be mindful that not all police and military personnel should
be considered enemies right at the outset of hostilities. It is likely that
many in the military and police will stand with us in our struggle. We must not
make the mistake of fighting those who might potentially be our allies against
the regime. The initial phase of resistance operations should concern gathering
intelligence, including information about what actions local police and
military units are performing. It must be established whether police and/or
military personnel in your area are acting within the confines of the
constitution or are obeying their federal masters and subjugating the populace.
If the latter, they are legitimate targets. If the former, an attempt should be
made – through covert means in order to conceal the identities of those
resistance members making contact – to engage in a dialogue with those police
and/or military personnel concerning a coordination of efforts to establish a
resistance. If they are open to such an idea, a member of the resistance (only
one individual at first in case of betrayal) can then make face-to-face contact
in order to discuss such plans.  A town
or city fortunate enough to have good police and/or military forces  may be able to avoid a protracted guerrilla
campaign in their locality and get right to the work of establishing a patriot
army (discussed in a later section).

Be aware, however, that some police or military forces -
while they may not take part in any oppressive actions – may nevertheless
reject the notion of resisting the regime or scoff at the idea of a civilian
insurgency and become an obstacle to the efforts of the resistance. It must be
made clear to them that the resistance does not wish to fight them, but if they
prove to be an obstacle to the efforts of the resistance to effectively wage
war against the regime, the resistance may have no choice but to engage them
with armed action.

                          Foreign Military Personnel

 It is possible, if not likely, that the regime will call
upon the aid of foreign troops to assist in quelling a civil uprising. As soon
as foreign troops set foot on American soil at the behest of the regime to aid
in quelling civil unrest, they become an enemy of the resistance and are
legitimate targets. Foreign military personnel may present an even greater
danger than American military personnel as they will be less hesitant than
their American military counterparts to engage in atrocious acts against the

Forming a Fire Team

 To effectively fight against any enemy, it is necessary to
be organized. The type of fighting that will be most utilized in the beginning
stages of the resistance will consist of quick hit-and-run tactics executed by
small armed units against a larger and better equipped enemy force. This is
traditionally known as guerrilla warfare. Within towns and cities, smaller
units can operate more discreetly and move with greater efficiency. The best
unit size for this purpose is what is known as a fire team in
military terms. A fire team is usually comprised of four individuals. A team
should be made up of individuals who know each other fairly well. No strangers
or casual acquaintances should be admitted. Such a precaution prevents
infiltration. Also, individuals who know each other and are good friends will
fight more effectively as a team.

Fire teams can be thought of as armed patriot cadres that
are the vanguard of the resistance whose goal is to ignite a general uprising
and then transform it into an army of liberation.

What Actions Does A Fire Team

A fire team can perform a number of actions that are geared
toward fulfilling certain goals. These actions include such things as
assassinations of police and military personnel, ambushes, raids, bombings and
sabotage. All of these actions are to be exclusively used on the oppressive
forces of the regime. Never target civilians! Targeting civilians would
only serve to vilify our cause in the eyes of the people who we are supposed to
be fighting for and who serve as an indispensable part of our struggle.

Smaller Units and Lone Wolves

 It may be that circumstances are such that patriots who wish
to resist can only manage to form a unit that is smaller than fire team size.
Or, perhaps a patriot finds him or herself alone in their wish to resist or
simply doesn’t know of any trustworthy individuals to team up with. Such a
situation should not discourage patriots from resisting. However, the scope of
operations that they are able to perform will be more limited than those of a
fire team sized unit. Use good judgment and choose targets and operations that
are suited to the size and abilities of your unit.

Command and Organizational

 Resistance movements have more Survivability when there is
no centralized command structure. The type of resistance model outlined in this manual requires fire teams to operate on their own initiative and have no contact with or information concerning other fire teams. Each fire team plans
its own operations and takes advantage of opportunities in its area. With no
central command to destroy, and no hierarchical command structure to
infiltrate, a resistance using this type of operational structure is extremely
difficult to stamp out because of the many intelligence difficulties this model
presents for the enemy.

Each fire team may choose a leader and designate specialists
if they wish. Leaders should be chosen based on qualities that make them ideal
for that position such as knowledge, experience, decisiveness, intelligence,
courage and an attitude that commands respect. Individuals with military
experience would make excellent leaders. Specialists can be chosen based on
their knowledge in a certain area of expertise or they can be assigned to study
and become knowledgeable in that area. Cross training between members would be


                                          The subject of training is a difficult one to address

                                  Because of the risks it presents. A fire team attempting to train can
                                  unwittingly rouse the suspicion of the authorities and risk compromise if
                                  certain precautions are not taken. When attempting to train, do so in remote
                                  areas away from the population. There are many techniques that do not involve
                                  firing live rounds, such as tactical reloading techniques, shooting stances,
                                  utilizing cover and concealment, hand-to-hand combat, etc., which can be
                                  practiced in a home or in a fenced-in back yard.

                                       The most important skill for a fire team member is
                                 marksmanship. Practice this skill as often as possible. Even practicing with an
                                 air rifle can improve marksmanship if it is not possible to practice with a
                                 real weapon. Be familiar with the basics of marksmanship such as shooting
                                 stance, properly aiming the weapon and squeezing the trigger as well as tactical
                                 reloading. Proper handgun skills, such as gripping, shooting and reloading
                                 should also be practiced. Many books, manuals and videos offer instruction in
                                 these things. Also, war veterans can be a wealth of knowledge on shooting and
                                 combat techniques if they are willing to share their insight. Be careful,
                                 however, and only consult trusted individuals.

                                 Although one of the goals of a fire team is to avoid a
                                 prolonged engagement with the enemy, a fire team should nevertheless become familiar
                                 with small unit tactics (SUTs) including the concept of shoot, move and
                                 communicate, flanking and techniques for disengaging from the enemy.


 The most preferred weapon for a fire team is the rifle. In
particular, a magazine fed semi-automatic rifle that fires an intermediate
powered cartridge (AK-47, AR-15, etc.). Rifles are effective at both short and
long distances and can therefore be used in almost any combat situation. A fire
team should seek to acquire rifles above anything else. Bolt action rifles with
scopes are used primarily for sniping. A fire team should seek to have at least
one of these in their arsenal.

Shotguns can be very effective, but they are limited to only
short-range effectiveness. However, a shotgun would be ideal as a short range
ambush weapon. Always use double-aught buck shot or slug rounds in shotguns for

Handguns are only effective at short ranges but are good as
backup weapons in the event that a rifle or shotgun has run out of ammunition
or has malfunctioned. All fire team members should carry a sidearm into combat
for these reasons.

Ultimately, a potential fire team may not have or be able to
acquire the ideal weapons that it needs. Regardless, however, such a team
should not see this as a reason not to resist. It will simply have to limit
itself to actions that are suited to its tactical capabilities.

Physical Fitness

 Cardiovascular fitness is the most important physical trait
a resistance member can possess considering the nature of guerrilla tactics,
which requires a lot of running. Do exercises that are geared toward improving
cardiovascular fitness such as walking, jogging, cycling or any other
activities that raise the heart rate.
Also, calisthenics such as push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and squats can
improve physical prowess and prepare one for the demands of combat. If
possible, try to eat wholesome foods that improve health and strengthen the
immune system.  Overall health is
important for each fire team member. You cannot resist effectively if you are
sick and out of shape.

Medical Training and Supplies

 Each member of a fire team should attain knowledge of basic
first-aid and more advanced knowledge of medical treatment if possible
particularly in the area of combat trauma. Each fire team member should carry a
med-kit on every operation. Fire teams should acquire bandages, disinfectants
for sterilizing wounds, basic medical tools for performing minor surgeries and

 Basic Guerrilla Strategy

 Although a resistance movement may be outmatched at the
outset, certain tactics can be employed in order to compensate for deficiencies
in numbers and firepower. Since conventional military forces and police
agencies must disperse their forces in order to assert control of an area to
counter threats which may emanate from anywhere and at any time, an outnumbered
and outgunned guerrilla force uses this state of affairs to their advantage. As a result of the enemy
forces being spread thin over a wide area,  guerrilla forces can attack at a time and
place of their choosing where they will have the upper hand in an engagement. This is the essence of guerrilla strategy and it is how
an inferior force can challenge a superior force effectively.

Guerrilla operations are largely hit-and-run. A guerrilla
force travels quickly to an area for an attack, performs the action, and then
leaves just as quickly. By this method, a guerrilla force takes the enemy out
of their element by avoiding protracted engagements which the enemy is trained
and equipped for.  A guerrilla force
seeks to preserves itself by suffering as few casualties as possible while
inflicting as may on the enemy as possible in each engagement which is achieved
through the hit-and-run strategy. It is also important for its psychological
effect for the guerrillas to be seen as ghost-like entities that suddenly
materialize to wreak havoc, and then disappear before retaliatory action can be
taken. This will cause an unbearable level of frustration and demoralization to
the enemy forces.

Guerrilla Warfare Principles

The following is a list of principles for conducting a

successful guerrilla campaign:

Avoid the enemy where they are strong and instead attack them
where they are weakest.
Only engage the enemy when and where you will have the upper
Change tactics often so that the enemy cannot guess your
next move.
Good intelligence is paramount in planning an operation.
Make sure to gather as much information about a potential target as possible
and be sure that any spies that are providing you with information are
trustworthy and reliable.
Deception can be a powerful tool. Feign an attack somewhere
in order to draw the enemy away from where the real attack will take place.
Information Warfare is essential to a resistance movement.
Direct an information campaign at the general public in order to win their
support and also toward the enemy in order to demoralize them and encourage
defection and subversion.

Guerrilla Warfare in the
United States

 Traditionally, guerrilla bands would exploit the rural
frontier for concealment and because it was remote and often difficult to
traverse, especially for mechanized forces. Also, the large population of
villagers in the rural areas of these countries would be recruited to fill the
ranks of the guerrillas. However, the United States is a highly industrialized
country in comparison. The rural population in the United States is not
insufficient for the creation of a sizable force nor would the countryside
offer the same target rich environment that is found in an urban setting. Also,
considering the ubiquity of modern communications, it would be nearly
impossible for the location of a rural guerrilla force to remain unknown to the
enemy. All it would take is for one individual, perhaps a farmer or other
countryside dweller that was not sympathetic to the guerrillas, to call the
authorities and provide real-time information about their location, making a
rural guerrilla campaign a very short lived venture.

On top of everything, our military possesses technology that
would make it impossible to establish a rural guerrilla resistance in the same
way that it has been done in other countries. By separating itself from an
urban setting, a guerrilla force would make itself an easily located and easily
destroyed target. Basically, in the United States there is no place to
effectively hide except in plain sight. Therefore, a successful resistance must
take place in the towns and cities of America where a resistance forces can
simply blend-in to the population between operations.

A Guerrilla Force should operate in the same manner as the video Below 

Using the urban strategy also limits the enemy’s ability to
use their advanced weaponry. Tanks, bombers, drones, gunships and attack
helicopters cannot be used effectively on an enemy that strikes and then melts
back into the population. Another reason why the advanced weaponry of the
enemy becomes impotent in an urban or semi-urban setting is because of the
possibility of collateral damage that might ensue from their usage which would
only serve to vilify the government forces in the eyes of the people and cause
them to become sympathetic to, or even actively support, the resistance. This
has been demonstrated in past guerrilla engagements as the wanton bombing and
shelling of population centers proved to be an effective recruiting tool for
the guerrillas.

              Rural Patriots

 While the main focus of operations is in the towns and
cities, this does not mean that patriots who reside in rural areas do not have
a role to play. Patriots in rural areas can provide safe houses in the
countryside for fire teams in order for them to avoid a police dragnet provide
storage for weapons and supplies or provide useful intelligence and early
warning to patriots in the towns and cities concerning troop movements. They
can also conduct sabotage missions as well as IED and sniper attacks on enemy
forces moving through the countryside along highways and roads.

The Five Phases

                   Hit-and-run guerrilla action alone cannot achieve final

victory. A resistance must evolve into an army of liberation.  A resistance which seeks to build itself from
a small guerrilla force and into a larger force capable of securing victory
must move in phases. Five distinct phases are advocated for this purpose. They
are as follows:

Phase 1 – Attrition, Demoralization

and Expansion: Through a hit-and-run guerrilla campaign, the goal of every fire
team in the first objective is to slowly erode the police and/or military
forces in their town or city in order to reduce enemy strength and to
demoralize them in order to cause desertion and defection. Information warfare
(discussed in a later section) should be used in concert with armed action.

It is also important during this phase that armed action is
promoted so that the resistance grows and more fire teams are formed. It is
essential that the enemy forces be spread thin and their resources taxed to the
greatest degree possible.

Phase 2 – Mass Uprising: Through a

successful armed campaign against the police and/or military forces, and
through the constant application of information warfare, the general public
will be emboldened to fight the oppressive forces of the regime by taking up
arms against them in a mass uprising. Directed and supported by the patriot
fire team(s), the masses of armed citizens will engage the forces of the regime
in an attempt to overwhelm and over-run the enemy forces in their town or city.

Phase 3 – Control and Consolidation:

After the enemy forces have been neutralized, the fire team (or fire teams,
since there may be more than one fire team operating within a town or city)
must direct the armed citizenry to take defensive measures to guard against any
enemy counter-attacks. The local radio station or local emergency broadcast
system can be used to facilitate command and control. If more than one fire
team was operating in a town or city, they should come together to discuss how
to coordinate efforts using a radio station, captured police station or some
other building that has been converted into a command center. Command of the
town or city should be split into districts with each fire team leader in
command of their respective district. The assembled fire teams or their
representatives should also discuss who will have overall command of the town
or city’s resistance forces. A leader should be chosen based on experience,
age, knowledge and any prior military service.

 Armed parties should

be assigned to take up defensive positions at choke points or along routs that
any enemy forces are likely to use to enter the area. Armed parties should also
seek to control and defend vital infrastructure such as water and electrical
facilities. Defensive positions should be concealed so that they cannot be
easily targeted by enemy air power. Cities and towns must be made into
unassailable fortresses at this stage of the campaign.

Be aware that the enemy will attempt to deprive towns and
cities captured by the resistance of food, water and any other needed supplies.
For this reason, citizens who are not serving as combatants should be mobilized
with the goal of making the town or city self-sufficient. In the short term,
parties should be assigned the task of locating and gathering as much food,
water and other basic necessities as possible to be stored for distribution to
the citizenry. In the long term, each citizen should be encouraged to utilize
their yards for the cultivation of crops and to also implement methods of water
collection and purification. Farmers and ranchers should be encouraged to
allocate their crops and livestock to be used exclusively in their
locality.  All trucks or trains that
attempt to travel through a town or city captured by the resistance should be

Phase 4 - Raising Patriot Armies: At

this stage of the campaign, former military personnel will be of great use.
Willing, able bodied men will be recruited and receive rudimentary training in
order to build a militia force for the purpose of conducting large scale
operations of a more conventional nature. Cities and towns will become bases
from which these patriot armies can launch their operations. Attempts should be
made to establish communications with other patriot forces so that operations
can be coordinated.  Armies should
attempt to coalesce into unified fronts in order to launch offensive operations
against the enemy.

Phase 5 – Victory and Restoration: If

the campaign of conventional warfare has been successful, and the enemy forces
have been defeated or are nearing defeat, the situation will become less
militant and more political in nature. Patriot army leaders should attempt to
establish contact with whatever provisional government has been established,
or, if such a government does not yet exist, they should attempt to establish
one. A council of patriot leaders should be formed whose purpose is to begin
the process of transitioning back to a governmental system established on the
principles of the constitution.

Tactical Flexibility

Be mindful that some flexibility in tactics may be necessary
depending on the conditions. It may be necessary to transition back and forth
between guerrilla tactics and conventional tactics as needed. For example, a
city may have already formed a patriot army, but because of an overwhelming
enemy attack or counter-attack, a city is again occupied by enemy forces. In this
instance, it may be necessary to resort to guerrilla tactics until resistance
forces can again take possession of the city. Patriot armies must be prepared and trained for both conventional and unconventional forms of warfare. There may also be times when a
patriot army is faced with a  larger
enemy formation  and the best course of
action would be to break up the army  into
smaller units in order to harass, hinder and interdict enemy supply lines. It
may also be necessary to temporarily task an army with performing guerrilla
actions against an enemy in support of a conventional attack. Whatever the case
may be, tactics must be adjusted in accordance with the situation.

Also be aware that nationwide uniformity in reaching each
phase is not likely.  If a town or city has
established a patriot army, assistance to towns and cities within striking
distance that are in a less advanced stage should be attempted if possible.

Small Municipalities vs.

 The regime will most likely concentrate the bulk of their
forces in the large metropolitan areas of the country. Resistance forces in
smaller towns and cities, which have only modest police forces and will be
assigned only small military contingents, if any, will be more successful in
taking control of their areas than resistance forces in the larger cities.
However, even if the resistance forces in the larger cities never advance to
the latter phases, they will nevertheless play a very important role by keeping
the bulk of the enemy forces occupied while other resistance forces work to
neutralize the police and military forces in the smaller municipalities. After
having created conventional armies, resistance forces in the smaller cities and
towns can begin interdicting supply lines and surrounding the enemy forces that
are located in the larger cities in order to weaken them. If this strategy is
successful, the enemy forces will be forced to capitulate or, if entering the
cities and engaging them in combat becomes necessary, they will be
significantly reduced in strength.

Combating Enemy Heavy Equipment

 There has been much discussion within the patriot movement
about how to effectively combat enemy heavy equipment such as tanks, armored
vehicles (MRAPs), attack helicopters, etc. One of the most effective methods
for a combating enemy heavy equipment is through indirect tactics. Guerrilla
tactics seek to confrontation with the enemy in places and in ways where the
enemy has the advantage. Resistance forces must not perform foolhardy attacks
against enemy heavy equipment through direct attacks. However, this does not
mean that the resistance cannot effectively combat these weapons through
indirect tactics. An armored vehicle or tank may not be vulnerable to light
weaponry, but the men who operate these vehicles certainly are. After all, they
cannot live inside of them indefinitely. Find out where these individuals live
or where they spend their time when off duty and eliminate them. (Be careful not
harm the families of these enemy personnel or innocent civilians who may be in
close proximity when attempting to eliminate them.) Discover where armored
vehicles are kept when not in use and send saboteurs to damage or destroy them.

Aircraft may not be vulnerable when they are patrolling the
skies, but they can be damaged or destroyed on their airstrips or hangars and
their pilots eliminated in their barracks as they sleep, on the tarmac as they
attempt to board their aircraft or at a place where they spend time off duty.

Ultimately, these weapons become impotent against an enemy that
avoids direct assaults against them. Allow these enemy vehicles to waste fuel
patrolling the streets and skies and uselessly responding to the scene of our
attacks only to find that we have already fled. Attack these weapons only through
indirect methods.


 The following will detail the tactics that the resistance
movement must utilize in the beginning stages of hostilities when guerrilla
warfare will predominate. This type of fighting will take place before the mass
uprising which gives way to the creation of patriot armies that employ more
conventional methods of warfare.

Information Warfare

One of the most important actions a fire team can perform is
information warfare. The regime attempts to use the mass media to influence
public opinion and attempts to cast a positive light on the regime and a
negative one on its opposition. Fire teams must attempt, to the best of their
ability, to issue information by whatever methods are available to them in order
to advance certain political ideas, to explain the purpose of armed actions,
and to counter the propaganda of the regime. These methods include using the
internet and social media (in ways that cant be traced), making signs and
banners with slogans written on them that can be hung from overpasses or the
sides of buildings, using citizen band (CB) radios to broadcast messages to
truckers or even starting a pirate radio station to broadcast on FM, creating
underground printing facilities for creating pamphlets and newspapers that can
be distributed covertly that contain uplifting and defiant messages from the
resistance. No doubt, creative patriots will devise many more ways to conduct
information warfare. The most important thing is that information gets disseminated
to the public and that it always speaks the truth.


An ambush is where a fire team lies concealed along a route
or at a location where an enemy force, perhaps a small enemy unit or
individual, will pass or patrol. At the most opportune moment, the fire team
springs to action, eliminates the target, and then quickly leaves the area.
This is a classic hit-and-run tactic.


A raid is where a fire team has chosen an enemy compound or
location to attack in order to cause damage and casualties and/or to capture
needed supplies such as food, weapons, ammunition, etc.  Always execute a quick withdrawal from the area after the objectives of the raid has been achieved.

Sniper attack

A sniper attack is when enemy personnel are shot and killed
from a distance with a scoped rifle for the purpose of attrition or for its
demoralizing effect. Knowing that death could come at any moment at the hands
of a sniper for police or military personnel can have a tremendous
psychological impact.

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)

If a fire team has the knowledge and the materials, a wide
variety of explosive devices can be fashioned that can cause damage to enemy
vehicles and buildings and cause casualties to enemy personnel. Placing a well
hidden explosive device near a road where enemy vehicles patrol and then
detonating it as they pass, or somehow getting an explosive device inside a
building where enemy personnel congregate, are both ways to cause massive
damage and casualties to the enemy. Never
place or detonate explosive devices in places where they might injure or kill

Incendiary Attack

An effective way to destroy enemy buildings and vehicles is
through an incendiary attack. One of the simplest, yet most devastating
incendiary devices that can be manufactured is the Molotov cocktail. All that
is required to construct a Molotov cocktail is a glass bottle, a cork or
stopper, a rag or some type of cloth, gasoline and oil or Styrofoam. Simply
fill the glass bottle three-quarters of the way full with gasoline and a little
bit of oil or Styrofoam. Put a cork or some type of stopper in the mouth of the
bottle to prevent anything from leaking out. Tie a rag or cloth that has been
soaked in gasoline or some other type of flammable fluid near the bottom of the
bottle. When you have selected a target, simply light the rag or cloth and,
gripping the neck of the bottle, throw it at the target. By using the neck of
the bottle as a handle, more distance can be achieved when throwing it.


Sabotage is an act that damages, destroys or disables enemy
Such an act could be just one facet of a larger plan or it can
simply be for the purpose of harassing and hindering the enemy. One example of
an act of sabotage would be the cutting of the communications apparatus of the
enemy, such as transmission towers, before an attack in order to slow their
response. Power lines or transformers could be destroyed in order to cut power
to enemy installations or to black out an area of a city in order to aid an
attack. Be mindful, however, that acts of sabotage might adversely affect
citizens and potentially make them resentful of the resistance so choose
targets for sabotage wisely.


Expropriation is where a fire team launches a raid in order
to procure supplies, weapons or other things that they may need. The only way
that resistance movements can continue to operate and become stronger is by
feeding off of the enemy. Even if members of a fire team believe they have
enough supplies and weapons at the time, it never hurts to have an excess of
these things just in case. In addition, it is always a good policy to deprive
the enemy of their supplies and weapons whenever possible. When the mass
uprising takes place, any captured weapons and ammunition can be issued to the


Espionage, or spying, is an essential part of a resistance.

Espionage is used to gather knowledge about the enemy. Knowing the number,
location, firepower and intentions of the enemy allows a fire team to make
sound decisions in planning attacks. Fire team members themselves can engage in
spying, but citizens who are sympathetic to the resistance can be used as spies
if they can be trusted. Good friends or family members who do not wish to
conduct armed resistance or are unable for health reasons to do so, but still
wish to aid the resistance would make excellent and trustworthy spies. Watching
and taking note of where police or military personnel patrol or are stationed,
the types of weapons and equipment they carry and any other information that
could be useful to the resistance is one of the primary functions of a spy.
Also, people who are in positions within the local government or even in the
police or military, but are sympathetic to the resistance, would make excellent
internal spies that can provide first-hand information about enemy plans,
dispositions and strength.


Counter-Espionage consists of maintaining the security of
information. It also consists of actively attempting to thwart the efforts of
enemy spies to gather intelligence by using deception, confusion and
miss-direction. Keeping things compartmentalized, and only revealing
information on a need to know basis is an effective way of ensuring that
information cannot be effectively leaked to enemy sources by traitors. If a
fire team member knows someone that will spy for them, it is important that
they are the only ones to visit them to retrieve information. That member
should never reveal to the spy who the other members of the team are. Use
commonsense about using and revealing information.

To thwart the efforts of enemy spies to gather information
takes a little creativity. One way to do this is to leak false information to
the enemy which will confuse and misdirect them and cause them to waste time
and resources. Start false rumors or let documents that contain false
information fall into enemy hands. Turn the enemy against each other by leaking
false information that reveals that there are traitors among the enemy ranks that
actively spy for the resistance. Overwhelm and exhaust the enemy by calling and
making false reports which they will needlessly follow up on. Effective
counter-espionage fosters an environment where the enemy no longer knows what
is true or false and cannot conduct effective intelligence gathering.

Psychological Operations (Psyops)

Fear is a potent weapon. Devise ways to demoralize the
For example, create documents that will be allowed to fall into enemy
hands that describe horrific plans or misleading statements about the number
and firepower of the local resistance. Making the enemy believe that they are
facing overwhelming odds or that they are fighting deranged and determined
individuals who are planning unimaginably atrocious operations against them can
cause mass hysteria and demoralization in the enemy ranks.

When conducting operations use theatricality to scare the
enemy. Wear devilish looking face paint or intimidating masks. Take scalps from
dead enemies or carve messages in their skin for their comrades to see. If
enemies are captured alive, remove their trigger fingers and send them back to
their commanders with haunting messages. Many ways can be thought of to strike
fear into the enemy. Some might criticize this approach as being too barbaric
and cruel, but it is better to scare men into capitulation than to have to take
their lives.

Cyber Warfare

 If a fire team or individual has the knowledge to do so,
cyberspace is an area where the enemy can be attacked. Such a mode of warfare
can disrupt enemy intelligence operations or be used to conduct Information

Security Measures

Operate at night

Limit operations to the night hours
. The darkness conceals
movement to and from the area of action. Once the resistance reaches a more
advanced stage of operations, and more conventional methods of warfare are
being utilized, day time operations can be conducted if necessary.

Conceal Identity

 To protect each fire team member’s identity, it is best to
wear masks or employ other methods of concealing identity, such as face paint,
when conducting operations.

Fight Together, Live Separately

In order to prevent a mass arrest or elimination of a fire
team, members must live in separate locations. When it is time to conduct an
operation, members must travel to the location by individual routes, perform
the action, and then disperse by individual routes back to their homes or


Since fire teams operate within towns and cities, it is bestto blend-in to the population between operations and carry on with normal
stay-at-home mother or business owner by day but guerrilla by night. Guerrillas
of the past utilized the dense jungles or mountainous redoubts to protect and
conceal themselves from the enemy, but the modern guerrilla of the
industrialized world must use the concrete jungle as his lair of concealment
and protection.  The enemy cannot fight
us if they do not know who we are or where we might be among the population.activities. Be a worker, student,

Stay Separate from Weapons and Equipment

It is important to remain separated from weapons and
equipment until it is time to conduct an operation.
Find or create good hiding
spots for weapons and equipment where you know they will not be found but where
you can easily access them when needed. Hidden underground compartments, false
walls inside a home or an old abandoned building are good hiding spots for
weapons. Preferably, the weapons and equipment will not be located on the
property of a fire team member so that if it is found by the authorities, they
will not know who the weapons and equipment belongs to. Be careful, however,
not to hide weapons in such a way that it will implicate an innocent person if
discovered. Scratch off serial numbers on weapons that you purchased previously
and make sure that no equipment can be traced back to you in any way.

Leave No Traces

Always wipe fingerprints from cartridges or load rounds into
weapons using gloves. Try to think like a detective or forensic specialist
would. Always wash clothes and clean footwear after an operation. Make sure to
never drop anything during an operation that can be traced back to you.


 A fire team should attempt to acquire communications
equipment for effective command and control of operations.
Small hand-held
walkie-talkies are ideal for this purpose. Always use coded communications.
Devise a rotating code of some sort like a numbered code, much like what police
departments utilize. Such a numbered code could change or rotate according to the
day of the week or according to some other time-frame.

Code of Conduct

Resistance members should never, under any circumstances,
target civilians in their operations regardless of whether or not they support
the resistance.
Resistance members should never steal from citizens.
Resistance members should never intentionally damage the
property of citizens.
Legitimate targets for the resistance in our operations are
law enforcement personnel (local, state and federal), military personnel
(foreign or domestic) who have chosen to side with the regime, and political
leaders (local, state and national) who have conspired to subvert the
constitution and civilians who spy or take up arms for the regime.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right