Question Everything!Everything!! |

Welcome to Truth, FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience. , is an alternative media and news site that is dedicated to the truth, true journalism and the truth movement. The articles, ideas, quotes, books and movies are here to let everyone know the truth about our universe. The truth will set us free, it will enlighten, inspire, awaken and unite us. Armed with the truth united we stand, for peace, freedom, health and happiness for all

Question Everything!

This blog does not promote
This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.

"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier
Friday, July 18, 2014

After reading this article, most will agree that Obama has a speech to make if he wants to retain the appearance of being loyal to the American people.
In a previous article, the intent of the United Nations to seize American guns was presented. From past articles we already know that the UN has prepositioned assets. In this article, some of the makeup of an international force designed to seize our guns and occupy this country will be presented. Specifically, today, we will look at the fifth column of terrorists being allowed to enter the country. These terms need a little explaining
If what many believe comes true, the blue helmeted United Nation forces will ultimately being seizing American guns and doing so with extreme prejudice. In occupying a country, the general rule of thumb is that it takes one soldier to garrison every 50 citizens. The UN would have a daunting task of raising a coordinated seven million man army trained in gun confiscation, martial detention and possible genocide as the “final solution”. Therefore, in most palace coups, the occupying military force is in need of large numbers of people who will support the new regime. This includes a group of well-armed and trained insurgents coming into the United States to eliminate all “formal” opposition.

Coming to your neighborhood armed with IED’s, anti-tank weapons, automatic weapon
MS-13 was founded by immigrants fleeing El Salvador’s civil war more than two decades ago. Its founders took lessons learned from the brutal conflict and are in the process of bringing their people and the lessons learned to the United States.
Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Nogales Placement Center, have recently discovered that 16 unaccompanied alien children (13 El Salvadoran males, two Guatemalan males and one Honduran male) currently being held at the Nogales detention center belong to MS-13. The MS-13 gang members admitted to their gang associations following a discovery of graffiti at the detention center. Homeland Security was notified and nothing was done. The number may seem small, however, these are only the ones that were caught in just one area along the border. Art Del Cueto, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tucson, Arizona told the National Review that officers who recognize gang tattoos on the minors are supposed to treat them like everyone else and to completely ignore their MS-13 affiliations.
I established in previous articles the use of MS-13 as a a group of enforcers and assassins for the Mexican drug cartels (e.g. Sinoloas). They serve this role in Mexico where journalists, mayors and police chiefs who don’t look the other to the criminality of the cartels are murders, often along with their family.
There is incontrovertible evidence that criminal drug cartels, like Los Zetas, have not only used MS-13 gangsters as hit men and child sex traffickers, but so has the Juarez Cartel and the Barrio Azteca to enforce their will, but Los Zetas have also conducted training in parts of Central and South America, and have even allowed MS-13 gangsters to lead in operations as when “El Comandante Kilo” operated in San Fernando on behalf of Los Zetas. This training consists of two parts, military training and assassination. In plain corporate language, the Mexican drug cartels are outsourcing paramilitary activities such as assassinations and terrorism.
A very disturbing and recent report from the International Assessment and Strategy Center stated that MS-13 is moving away from handguns to the use of AK-47′s, along with grenades, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and light anti-tank weapons! The same think tank also reported that MS-13 gang recently acquired multiple shoulder-fired SA-7 anti-aircraft missile launchers obtained from an open arms market in El Salvador from left over former civil war stockpiles. MS-13 is equipping its forces with these weapons as they can easily knockout helicopters and airplanes from the skies and these weapons can be obtained for a mere $15,000. This is chump change for a gang associated with the drug cartels. The same report went on to state that MS-13 has begun to smuggle drugs, weapons and human beings for the Zetas. MS-13 members are being trained at Zetas camps outside San Salvador and the training includes high level military training. Think TET offensive from the Viet Nam War. MS-13 is well-armed enough to take over cities by knocking out the headquarters of local police forces in a simultaneous series of attacks in which WMD’s are introduced on American soil. These forces are exactly the kind of enforcers that a foreign occupation force would need to help keep order.

Anyone who has looked at this issue of border security and lawless government south of our border knows that the Mexican military has been totally corrupted by the drug cartels, and now, our military is training this terrorist force.
Adding muscle to the insurgent MS-13, Lost Zetas and the Sinoloa insurgent force coming into our country, the United States is quietly expanding its training of Mexico’s armed forces, helping to reverse decades of mistrust that made Mexico’s military reluctant to cooperate with its northern neighbor. the Pentagon said the U.S. military participated in 150 differing “engagements” with Mexican troops on both sides of the border, “sharing training opportunities with more than 3,000 Mexican soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.” What is this American trained force going to do, guard our Southern border? They are an insurgent and an occupation force rolled into one.
How long will it be until justice, in this country is carried out by assassination and intimidation? The past body of work speaks for itself in Mexico, why will it be any different here.
The International Terrorism Connection
Back in 2010, an internal memo was leaked from the Tucson Police Department. which stated that Islamic terrorist groups are commencing operations in Mexico and forming alarming ties with the country’s brutal drug cartels. In turn, the drug cartels are now associated withHezbollah and ultimately their partner, Hamas. The memo also references a large weapons stockpile in Mexico as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant Jameel Nasr, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America. Nasr was apparently bringing this terror network north when he was captured. The memo also discussed the April 2009 arrest of Jamal Yousef in New York, which exposed a huge cache of assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives and anti-tank munitions. According to the report, the weapons were stored in Mexico, but only after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. As a temporary aside, where do you think ISIS is getting its weapons? The preceding references contained in the Tucson Police memo just answered that question.
Also, revealed in the report was the fact that the weapons were stored in Mexico after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. The memo further warns that there could be dire consequences due to the new level of cooperation between Hezbollah and Mexico’s drug partnerships and this could be disastrous given Hezbollah’s advanced and new weapons capabilities. The report goes on to state that some Mexican criminal organizations have started using small IEDs which is clearly illustrative of the use of car bombs which is a hallmark trait of Islamic terrorists. IED’s are clearly the least of our worries with regard to the increased influx of MS-13 terrorists.
For the past seven to eight years, the United States government has acknowledged the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah have strong ties to the Mexican drug cartels.
At a time when Hamas continues to fire salvos of rockets into Israel while rejecting a ceasefire proposal, the United States has finalized a deal to provide the Palestinian terrorist group’s leading supporter, Qatar, with weaponry worth $11 billion worth of arms.
Qatar is also a strong supporter and financial backer of the Muslim Brotherhood, a stance that has led to tensions with some of its Gulf neighbors, who view the Muslim Brotherhood as a threat to their regime. This is where this gets interesting. Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali. We know now from investigative facts supplied by researcher Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, in which was established that Gebali said she would like “to inform the American people that their president’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Shoebat reported in May of 2014 that Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the Sudanese government, which is labled as a terrorist state by the U.S. State Department .
The establishment of the President Obama’s half brother as someone who has distinct terrorist ties was established in the Arab Spring back in 2011. The notion went unchallenged but largely unreported in the MSM.
To sum up, the American people are being invaded by political assassins, MS-13 and the Mexican drug cartels (e.g. Los Zetas and the Sinaloa). All three groups have received military training and military hardware including anti-tank and 15,000 RPG missiles. This force will constitute an insurgent group which will support, through the use of terrorism, UN military rule in our country. They will form the SS and Gestapo, behind the scenes enforcement needed by the occupation forces.
The money and training for this insurgent force is coming from known terrorists such as Hamas. The President’s half brother, Malick Obama is involved and is a leader in the distribution of arms both in Gaza and in Central America.

Malick and his half brother, the President

The speech Obama should make.
President Obama should hold a press conference to distance himself from his terrorist half brother
“My fellow Americans, you have elected me to uphold the Constitution and to protect the citizens of this country”. I take my sworn oath very seriously. It is in this spirit that I come before you tonight to disavow the terrorist actions of my half brother, Malick Obama. Should the American people have any doubt as to where my loyalties lie, this statement should put these concerns to rest. I condemn my half brother as a terrorist and an enemy of the American people.
We now know that Malick’s influence and business dealings that placed the citizens of our country at risk as we have highly trained insurgents entering our country with arms and training supplied by my half brother.
I have ordered the FBI to place my half brother on the Top Ten Most Wanted List. We are offering a $10 million dollar reward for his capture. I am also suspending all arms funding to the Middle East. I am also ending all training of the Mexican military that has been corrupted by the organized criminal elements within Mexico. Further, I have instructed the Joint Chiefs to close our southern border while we assess the potential danger caused by the recent wave of criminal terrorists from known criminal groups into the United States.
God Bless America”.
In light of the evidence, why isn't this speech being given?
by Dave Hodges
FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.
After reading this article, most will agree that Obama has a speech to make if he wants to retain the appearance of being loyal to the American people.
In a previous article, the intent of the United Nations to seize American guns was presented. From past articles we already know that the UN has prepositioned assets. In this article, some of the makeup of an international force designed to seize our guns and occupy this country will be presented. Specifically, today, we will look at the fifth column of terrorists being allowed to enter the country. These terms need a little explaining
The Composition of a Revolution
If what many believe comes true, the blue helmeted United Nation forces will ultimately being seizing American guns and doing so with extreme prejudice. In occupying a country, the general rule of thumb is that it takes one soldier to garrison every 50 citizens. The UN would have a daunting task of raising a coordinated seven million man army trained in gun confiscation, martial detention and possible genocide as the “final solution”. Therefore, in most palace coups, the occupying military force is in need of large numbers of people who will support the new regime. This includes a group of well-armed and trained insurgents coming into the United States to eliminate all “formal” opposition.
MS-13 Members Flooding Across the Border
Coming to your neighborhood armed with IED’s, anti-tank weapons, automatic weapon
MS-13 was founded by immigrants fleeing El Salvador’s civil war more than two decades ago. Its founders took lessons learned from the brutal conflict and are in the process of bringing their people and the lessons learned to the United States.
Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Nogales Placement Center, have recently discovered that 16 unaccompanied alien children (13 El Salvadoran males, two Guatemalan males and one Honduran male) currently being held at the Nogales detention center belong to MS-13. The MS-13 gang members admitted to their gang associations following a discovery of graffiti at the detention center. Homeland Security was notified and nothing was done. The number may seem small, however, these are only the ones that were caught in just one area along the border. Art Del Cueto, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tucson, Arizona told the National Review that officers who recognize gang tattoos on the minors are supposed to treat them like everyone else and to completely ignore their MS-13 affiliations.
I established in previous articles the use of MS-13 as a a group of enforcers and assassins for the Mexican drug cartels (e.g. Sinoloas). They serve this role in Mexico where journalists, mayors and police chiefs who don’t look the other to the criminality of the cartels are murders, often along with their family.
There is incontrovertible evidence that criminal drug cartels, like Los Zetas, have not only used MS-13 gangsters as hit men and child sex traffickers, but so has the Juarez Cartel and the Barrio Azteca to enforce their will, but Los Zetas have also conducted training in parts of Central and South America, and have even allowed MS-13 gangsters to lead in operations as when “El Comandante Kilo” operated in San Fernando on behalf of Los Zetas. This training consists of two parts, military training and assassination. In plain corporate language, the Mexican drug cartels are outsourcing paramilitary activities such as assassinations and terrorism.
A very disturbing and recent report from the International Assessment and Strategy Center stated that MS-13 is moving away from handguns to the use of AK-47′s, along with grenades, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and light anti-tank weapons! The same think tank also reported that MS-13 gang recently acquired multiple shoulder-fired SA-7 anti-aircraft missile launchers obtained from an open arms market in El Salvador from left over former civil war stockpiles. MS-13 is equipping its forces with these weapons as they can easily knockout helicopters and airplanes from the skies and these weapons can be obtained for a mere $15,000. This is chump change for a gang associated with the drug cartels. The same report went on to state that MS-13 has begun to smuggle drugs, weapons and human beings for the Zetas. MS-13 members are being trained at Zetas camps outside San Salvador and the training includes high level military training. Think TET offensive from the Viet Nam War. MS-13 is well-armed enough to take over cities by knocking out the headquarters of local police forces in a simultaneous series of attacks in which WMD’s are introduced on American soil. These forces are exactly the kind of enforcers that a foreign occupation force would need to help keep order.
The Mexican Army
Anyone who has looked at this issue of border security and lawless government south of our border knows that the Mexican military has been totally corrupted by the drug cartels, and now, our military is training this terrorist force.
Adding muscle to the insurgent MS-13, Lost Zetas and the Sinoloa insurgent force coming into our country, the United States is quietly expanding its training of Mexico’s armed forces, helping to reverse decades of mistrust that made Mexico’s military reluctant to cooperate with its northern neighbor. the Pentagon said the U.S. military participated in 150 differing “engagements” with Mexican troops on both sides of the border, “sharing training opportunities with more than 3,000 Mexican soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.” What is this American trained force going to do, guard our Southern border? They are an insurgent and an occupation force rolled into one.
How long will it be until justice, in this country is carried out by assassination and intimidation? The past body of work speaks for itself in Mexico, why will it be any different here.
The International Terrorism Connection
Back in 2010, an internal memo was leaked from the Tucson Police Department. which stated that Islamic terrorist groups are commencing operations in Mexico and forming alarming ties with the country’s brutal drug cartels. In turn, the drug cartels are now associated withHezbollah and ultimately their partner, Hamas. The memo also references a large weapons stockpile in Mexico as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant Jameel Nasr, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America. Nasr was apparently bringing this terror network north when he was captured. The memo also discussed the April 2009 arrest of Jamal Yousef in New York, which exposed a huge cache of assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives and anti-tank munitions. According to the report, the weapons were stored in Mexico, but only after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. As a temporary aside, where do you think ISIS is getting its weapons? The preceding references contained in the Tucson Police memo just answered that question.
Also, revealed in the report was the fact that the weapons were stored in Mexico after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. The memo further warns that there could be dire consequences due to the new level of cooperation between Hezbollah and Mexico’s drug partnerships and this could be disastrous given Hezbollah’s advanced and new weapons capabilities. The report goes on to state that some Mexican criminal organizations have started using small IEDs which is clearly illustrative of the use of car bombs which is a hallmark trait of Islamic terrorists. IED’s are clearly the least of our worries with regard to the increased influx of MS-13 terrorists.
For the past seven to eight years, the United States government has acknowledged the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah have strong ties to the Mexican drug cartels.
At a time when Hamas continues to fire salvos of rockets into Israel while rejecting a ceasefire proposal, the United States has finalized a deal to provide the Palestinian terrorist group’s leading supporter, Qatar, with weaponry worth $11 billion worth of arms.
Qatar is also a strong supporter and financial backer of the Muslim Brotherhood, a stance that has led to tensions with some of its Gulf neighbors, who view the Muslim Brotherhood as a threat to their regime. This is where this gets interesting. Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali. We know now from investigative facts supplied by researcher Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, in which was established that Gebali said she would like “to inform the American people that their president’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Shoebat reported in May of 2014 that Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the Sudanese government, which is labled as a terrorist state by the U.S. State Department .
The establishment of the President Obama’s half brother as someone who has distinct terrorist ties was established in the Arab Spring back in 2011. The notion went unchallenged but largely unreported in the MSM.
Connecting the Dots
To sum up, the American people are being invaded by political assassins, MS-13 and the Mexican drug cartels (e.g. Los Zetas and the Sinaloa). All three groups have received military training and military hardware including anti-tank and 15,000 RPG missiles. This force will constitute an insurgent group which will support, through the use of terrorism, UN military rule in our country. They will form the SS and Gestapo, behind the scenes enforcement needed by the occupation forces.
The money and training for this insurgent force is coming from known terrorists such as Hamas. The President’s half brother, Malick Obama is involved and is a leader in the distribution of arms both in Gaza and in Central America.
Malick and his half brother, the President
The speech Obama should make.
The Speech That Obama Should Make
President Obama should hold a press conference to distance himself from his terrorist half brother
“My fellow Americans, you have elected me to uphold the Constitution and to protect the citizens of this country”. I take my sworn oath very seriously. It is in this spirit that I come before you tonight to disavow the terrorist actions of my half brother, Malick Obama. Should the American people have any doubt as to where my loyalties lie, this statement should put these concerns to rest. I condemn my half brother as a terrorist and an enemy of the American people.
We now know that Malick’s influence and business dealings that placed the citizens of our country at risk as we have highly trained insurgents entering our country with arms and training supplied by my half brother.

God Bless America”.
In light of the evidence, why isn't this speech being given?
by Dave Hodges
FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.
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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right