Happy days are here again, Trump will be the GOP nominee for President. Since Hillary is such a criminal, the will be easy prey for the general Election. Once Trump is President, the evil corporations which have financially raped the American people, will back off let justice prevail. Then I woke up.

Where We Are Presently At

It may be true, that Lyin’ Ted just became Dyin’ Ted and it no longer matters if Cruz was the DC Madame’s best customer, or daddy Cruz was involved with Lee Harvey Oswald. Maybe Cruz’s grandfather came all the way from Canada to have lunch with Sir Han Sir Han. It no longer matters.
Even Marco Rubio is saying nice things about Trump? Even the pseudo journalists from Fox were forced to say the words that she was not sure they could force themselves to utter “Trump is the presumptive nominee”. The RNC leaders, who just a few days ago were willing to burn their own Party down, were tweeting “Let’s get behind Trump”.   Only the sorry for an excuse political whore, John Kasich, will not capitulate. Kasich reminds me of the little 98 pound weakling who was never invited to a party as a kid, but showed up anyway and was the last kid to leave. Poor Kasich if only he realized he could not inspire his shoes to go into the closet.

Wait a Minute, Wasn’t This a Little Too Easy?

I admit for a couple of minutes, I was jubilant when I heard Cruz quit the race and all the people that mattered were endorsing Trump. Then I realized that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were not real. This was just too easy. If the Trump supporters were an advancing Army, we only found that the enemy has raised the white flag, only to retreat to set a trap as our people move closer to our objective.
The capitulation of the RNC leadership, Fox News, and the majority of Trump’s opponents, only marks a shift in strategy. There are only two acceptable outcomes for Trump and his supporters and that is the election of “Fun Camp” Hillary, or create a set of circumstances that will allow Obama to stay in power.

Here are the pitfalls that lie ahead for Trump

  1. The Robert Kennedy Factor- Trump could very well be a marked man. Someone form Soros’ group, Moveon.org, could kill Trump at the convention as they have taken out a multitude of rooms in Cleveland at the convention.
  2. A false flag event, at the GOP convention, could devastate the Party, thus leaving a free walk for Hillary Clinton to the White House. Since the FBI has announced, nine months ago, ISIS has terrorist cells in every state, this scenario is very likely.
  3. If Trump does secure the nomination, Obama could unleash a monumental false flag event(s), and declare martial law, thus suspending the elections. This makes a lot of sense because of the fact that Obama was involved in high level Federal Reserve talks. This unusual event says to me that the Fed has one thing that the bankers need to control the people when the banks collapse. That one thing would be the military to control the people in a martial law situation. I believe the precipitation incident will be a takedown of the grid.
  4. If the globalists do not resort to violence to achieve their goals, which is highly unlikely, they could create such a grid lock in government, that key government services are denied to the people and Trump would be a one term President and the globalists plans would only be delayed by four years at most.

The End Game

For Trump and his supporters, this GOP victory has only further served to identify who is, and who is not a supporter of the New World Order. You Christians who support Trump have put two targets on your back.
All wise people will plan for the coming chaos and you will not have to wait long.  This is your last chance to prepare. Further, I would suggest that you spend every day praying for Trump, your country’s salvation and the safety of your family for with Trump’s victory, the first shot of the war against Americans has just begun in earnest. We will soon see what the American people are made of.