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Question Everything!
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Thursday, January 9, 2014
What is Sovereignty?
What is Sovereignty?
A Brief Introduction to Sovereignty…
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equally, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights Governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed; that when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it”.
These words contain fundamental truths so powerful that they still stir something in the hearts and minds of men and, these words may be more relevant today than the day they were first penned. Avoiding a debate regarding who or what a creator is, we can hopefully agree that we all came into existence through some miracle of nature. We are all living sentient beings with ambition to explore and understand this creation and ourselves in it. We are endowed equally with the right to life, property and the freedom to pursue our ambitions. However in an effort to maximise and secure these rights, groups of people join together by their mutual consent and create a ‘system’, agreeing to abide by a set of guidelines. These guidelines are not to be introduced arbitrarily, but rather for mans own benefit. Please, excuse this elementary explanation for something that is fairly obvious but the point is raised to highlight the contrast:
If the purpose of Government is to secure the rights of man and maximise their freedoms; what does it mean when a Government creates rules allowing Banks to seize the property of the men and women whom the laws are supposed to protect? What does it mean when a Government legislates for the lawful plunder of our nations resources and land? Has the Government of Ireland become destructive of its ends?
Surely this is repugnant to the very notions of justice, freedom and law, (the cornerstones of any truly free society), thus rendering the Government redundant. It has outgrown its use, failed in its endeavours, and it’s time we learned our lessons and moved on. It is we the people that created this monster; or, at the very least are responsible for it by our omission to stop it. While it was once a right to alter or abolish it, it has now become a duty to do so if we are to ensure that freedom and prosperity exists for future generations.
But, what form of Governance can replace what we have? A quick scan through history will show us that everything we’ve tried so far falls short; while the old familiar ‘left/right’ political circus rolls on ad nauseum never really going anywhere. We seem to be waiting for the right bunch of suits to come along with the right bunch of answers to all of our problems. Another system for us to divest our power into, placing our equals on pedestals high above ourselves, giving them power to determine how we best live our lives?
Madness is often defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. An ideal Government full of honest, dedicated, un-ambitious and genuine people who have nothing more than the public’s best interest at heart is never realistically going to happen! Too much power is given over to too few people who are no more than you or I. The common denominator of these various ‘systems’ is that the people invariably give their power over to another group or individual. The EU is nothing more than a top-down system of control, channelling the decision making power further and further away from the common people. The time has come for man to stand up and be counted, the time has come for we the people to become Self-Governed; Sovereign men and women. To re-establish, in ourselves the power that we once (theoretically) invested in the State and take full responsibility for making this world a better place; starting with ourselves, then our homes, then our communities then our nations. We the people need to lift this country off its knees – so “let us rise” – James Larkin
You are Sovereign!
The word ‘Sovereignty’ means to be the supreme, independent authority and is often confused with the notions of Royalty and Pageantry. However, while Kings and Queens are ‘Sovereign’ the concept has a much broader reach than that. The word is often used to describe a Nations autonomy and has recently become a common buzz-word on today’s media as they try to convince us; the sovereign inhabitants, that the National Debt; brought about by greedy bankers, corrupt contractors and a Government full of ‘usefull idiots’ is somehow a “Sovereign Debt” – this very phrase is a contradiction of terms.
It is We the People who are Sovereign; this is the truth of the matter. You are the sovereign supreme authority over your own self, your own bodily kingdom. If you can claim ownership of nothing else, you can claim ownership of yourself. But when we invest our supreme authority into another entity, whether knowingly or unknowingly, we give that entity power to govern (i.e. control) us; we give up the right to decide for ourselves and agree to be bound by the decisions of our new master who we hope will act in our best interest. In so doing we neglect the fact that we are all self-determined, autonomous beings with hopes, ambitions and the means of attaining them. We are born free and we will die free – however we can only live free if we make that choice.
“Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty; it is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.” ~ Charles Caleb Colton.
The thing to remember is that you are Sovereign right now as you read this! The first step in enjoying your sovereignty, however, lies in knowing who you are and realising that you hold the power to create change, it lies in making the decision to take full responsibility for your life experience, it lies in recognising your fellow man as your equal and having the desire to protect their rights as much as your own. But, it’s also about learning to see through the illusion of control that we have been brought up with and realising that our rights are inalienable, invincible and higher than any human statute.
We are just born into this system so we do not consider that it can be any other way. We are conditioned to believe that the highest authority in the land is actually the State and with good reason: the State creates a new ‘rule’ stating you must or must not do a certain thing and attaches a monetary penalty for any ‘PERSONS’ who commit an offence under the ‘Act’. They then employ policy enforcers who are empowered to use force against you, remove you from your home and bring you to a ‘Court’ where you will be ‘judged’, have a fine imposed, face imprisonment, or both. Similarly you have a Banking system, rescued from bust by the State on the back of the tax-payer and empowered to seize your home and property if you fail to make extortionate payments on what was essentially a fraudulent contract to begin with (we’re not told our signature creates the credit); they will also employ force to do so.
If the people truly are the highest power on the land, how and why do the Government and the Banks have the Right to evict people from their homes, seize their land and property, impose levies and taxes on our hard earned wages and legislate arbitrarily concerned more with extracting revenue than establishing real justice on the land? If my rights are invincible and higher than any human statute how can non-living entities use force to exert their power over me, yet, still be in the right in the eyes of the law? What legal wizardry is being performed right before our very eyes, hidden so plainly that we cannot see it? When we learn to see the mechanisms of our bondage, we begin to see that these chains were not as strong as we once believed.
Structure of Authority:
A brief look at the true chain of authority demonstrates how the government essentially swaps rolls from ‘Servant’ to ‘Master’. The legal maxim states: “a thing cannot have greater power than that from which the power was derived”; government, being a creation of the people, derives all its power directly from us. Therefore, in order for the Government to obtain authority over the people they needed to create something that would be subject to them and the rules they create. The Governments use the authority vested in them to enact the rules of a society. Acts and statutes, being man-made, are lower than the Natural Law and not binding on natural flesh and blood men/women (unless by their consent). In order for the government to obtain authority over you they needed to create a legal entity (or ens legis) known in Law as a ‘Person’ and attach or ‘bond’ this to you the living being.
This is created via the birth certificate and can be identified by your name usually appearing in ALL CAPS (but not always) on any official documents or ID’s. The Government deceptively neglects to provide us with full disclosure of the ‘social agreement’ and we assume that this ‘Straw Man’ or ‘Person’ is us! This ‘Person’ in legal terminology is a corporation/commercial entity/legal fiction with no inherent fundamental Rights. Instead it has privileges and duties granted by the master. This deception effectively allows the Government to switch roles and become ‘Master’; to make matters worse we are not informed that we are pledged as collateral to secure more interest bearing, Fiat, debt based currency into circulation! We are considered nothing more than ‘Human Resources’, here to buy, sell, use money and make payments towards the national debt via taxation. We are viewed as ‘valuable commodities’.
The important thing to understand is that you are not a ‘Person’! You have a ‘Person’; you use a ‘Person’. This Person or ‘Straw man’ requires You the (flesh and blood) Man to give it life by accepting it as ‘Personal’ identification, and, as such accept any liability attached. Therefore the State or Government can only lawfully and justly apply legislation to this ‘Person’ when they have consented and accepted liability on its behalf. Though our ignorance of their words, terms and form they manage to establish ‘legal’ authority over us.
Silence Gives Consent;
Another maxim of law states: “Silence gives consent”, and this is how it’s done. The Dáil create a piece of paper and call it a ‘Bill’. This piece of paper has words on it; just words, saying that e.g. “Any PERSONS operating vehicles driving in excess of 20mph in Dublin City Centre will be fined 50Euro”. This is OFFERED to the Séanad for their approval (an offer to contract) – the Séanad make amendments and send it back to the Dáil within e.g. 10 days (a counter-offer). This goes on back and forward, making adjustments until one of them do not send it back within the time limit. When this occurs their ‘silence’ or ‘non-response’ is considered to be an ‘acceptance/agreement’, ‘meeting of the minds’, and it passes as an ACT. That’s exactly what it is – ACTing as Law. By announcing the Act to the public they are effectively giving us notice and making an offer to contract.
When we remain silent we give the government the legal right to ASSUME that we have all consented. By remaining silent we accept the offer made by the ‘GOV.INC’ that if we do the thing mentioned in the statute we are liable for charges – this is the agreement.
Notice of Understanding and Intent:
This relationship is easily changed by creating your own Notice’s outlining an understanding of your rights, how the law truly effects you, how legislation and acts do not apply to sovereign men and women and how you intend to live peacefully and free from external control or intrusion. We are entitled to send these to the relevant officials providing them ample time to respond and rebut the points raised in our Notice. When they remain silent and fail to provide lawful excuse we establish a new binding and enforceable contract which protects and entrenches our rights. Contracts between men/women establish the Law – You break the law when you dishonour your contracts. The contracts/agreements we make with the men and women in government (or otherwise) are more powerful then the COMMERCIAL contracts/STATUTES they enforce on us as “THE GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND (INC)”.
The Power of Words:
Every day the power of words are being used by Banks and debt collectors to intimidate good honest people into submission. Words hold power and when we understand a words true meaning we can wield that power for ourselves. Words and language are the tools of the trade for the legal profession and in most cases it is merely the power of words being used against us that intimidates us into handing our rights away. Lawyers and judges share no aversion to long words, complicated phrases and legal ‘jargon’ which leaves the common observer, or ‘lay-man’ (as they like to refer to us as), in the dark and confused. They present law in such a way that leaves one with the impression that it is a very complicated subject requiring years of study but seldom ever consider why this would be so? We are supposed to know the law inherently; ignorance of it is no excuse.
However, part of the deception lies in the very language being used. This language is known as ‘legalese’ and a study of some of these meanings can be quite eye opening. For example to ‘Apply’ colloquially means ‘to beg’, and ‘Submit’ is more blatant. When we go to Court we accept a ‘benefit’ and in doing so we waive certain rights and agree to be bound to any judgement made. Your consent needs to be obtained in order for these proceedings to be lawful. There are a number of ways your consent is deceptively obtained, an obvious one concerns the question: “do you understand the charges?”. We are to assume this means do you ‘comprehend’ what has been said? However, we are being asked do you ‘stand-under’ the charges and accept all liability attached.
Lawful Versus Legal:
There is a BIG difference between ‘Lawful’ and ‘Legal’ and what’s being enforced on you is not ‘Law’ in the true sense it’s ‘legislation’. If you have caused no harm to anyone and there if there is no victim then you have NOT BROKEN THE LAW! – You only breach the ‘commercial contract’/legislation as the government assumes your consent. They use ‘legal’ powers against us, but if we use Law and the knowledge of our rights we can peacefully become more powerful. Our ancestors knew this and it explains why the invaders required the brutal penal laws to stamp out our ancient legal tradition known today as ‘Brehon Law’; a system of jurisprudence which we loved and voluntarily upheld as a duty.
Most people think that because we vote for the government we are forced to accept the rules but
that is not so. If it was we would not be a free sovereign people and would be evidence of tyranny. We created this idea of government to protect our rights to life, liberty and happiness – the government has long since breached its contract with the people. With every passing day it is becoming more and more apparent that a great worldwide change is now inevitable. While many people are actively seeking alternative solutions to old problems, many of us remain in a state of denial, quietly watching and waiting to see what ‘solutions’ the men in suits will offer, hoping that one day soon all our current socio-political-economic problems will be resolved and we will return to how it was during the boom times.
The course of our future, the march of our nation is not set in stone. It is we who must determine whether or not we will acquiesce to the demands of the EU, IMF, Bankers and Corrupt politicians who are leading our people towards economic slavery, eroding our National Sovereignty and ignoring our Rights. We the people have a great opportunity now to take responsibility for our own destiny, to stand up for truth, justice, fairness and equality and to form a nation of sovereign independent free men and women. It is our duty to alter, abolish and set-right this current system of governance. The path to freedom may not be an easy one; at first, but we have more tools now than ever before. People all over the nation and the world are being re-awakened to the inherent knowledge of their sovereignty and are beginning to take the power back. Will you be part of it?
“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But, conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right.” – Dr Martin Luther King Jr
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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right