FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience,: It Is Against the Law to Be Homeless or To Help Homeless People In the USA!
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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.


"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier

Thursday, May 19, 2016

It Is Against the Law to Be Homeless or To Help Homeless People In the USA!

It Is Against the Law to Be Homeless or To Help Homeless People In the USA! The Meanest Cities In the United States

Be Aware

Warning! There are some very graphic photos posted in this article.

Just a Few of the Mean Cities In the USA

Cities all across the USA are making it against the law to be poor, and even against the law to help poor people!  This is the mini-list of those cities.
Cities all across the USA are making it against the law to be poor, and even against the law to help poor people! This is the mini-list of those cities. | Source

James Kelley -- 9-Year Navy Veteran

James Kelley, 9-year Navy veteran, now homeless, being fined $500 for taking a partially eaten donut from a dumpster in Houston Texas.
James Kelley, 9-year Navy veteran, now homeless, being fined $500 for taking a partially eaten donut from a dumpster in Houston Texas. | Source

Randall Kallinen, Civil Rights Attorney in Houston Texas

At the podium (center), Randall Kallinen is a Civil Rights Attorney in Houston Texas and has for years fought against laws that make the lives of homeless people even harder than they already are. He currently represents James Kelley pro bono
At the podium (center), Randall Kallinen is a Civil Rights Attorney in Houston Texas and has for years fought against laws that make the lives of homeless people even harder than they already are. He currently represents James Kelley pro bono | Source

Mayor Annise Parker of Houston Texas

Mayor Annise Parker of Houston Texas who voted for and was instrumental in passing laws that outlaw homeless people in Houston so as to make the city more appealing to people of quality.
Mayor Annise Parker of Houston Texas who voted for and was instrumental in passing laws that outlaw homeless people in Houston so as to make the city more appealing to people of quality. | Source

Navy Veteran Fined $500 for Taking a Partially Eaten Donut From a Dumpster in Houston Texas

In the course of researching for this article to see if I could determine what city in these United States was the most hateful and mean towards those unfortunate people who are down on their luck, or who may never have had good luck to begin with, I discovered many different lists of “Meanest Cities in America.” Apparently the U.S. has become so mean that it takes several lists to contain the names of all the cities where mean laws against homeless and poor people have been passed.
According to dailykos.com, the Houston city counsel passed a law in 2012 making it against the law for anyone to give food to a homeless person, whether that homeless person was in a park or in a food kitchen set up specifically to feed the homeless people of Houston.
The same law made it illegal for homeless people to feed themselves with found food (usually from the trash). Dailykos reported that a homeless man was ticketed a week before they published their story on this subject and fined $500 for taking a partially eaten donut out of a dumpster. Five hundred dollars is the amount of the fine for persons who feed the homeless, or for the homeless who feed themselves inside the Houston city limits – the City Counsel lowered the fine down from $2,000 because of public outcry.
Randall Kallinen is a Houston attorney who has for years fought against laws that make the lives of homeless people even harder than they already are. Kellinen has taken the case, pro bono, of the 9-year navy veteran, James Kelley, who was charged with taking a partially eaten donut from a dumpster on March 7th, 2014.
Pro bono is an abbreviation of pro bono publico, meaning for the good of the people. Many people are not aware that most lawyers do some pro bono work, representing poor people at no charge. Kallinen says the city of Houston has taken a “hostile” stand against the homeless for many years.
A few members of the Houston City Counsel voted against ticketing and fining people for feeding the homeless or for the homeless feeding themselves, but for the law to pass the majority of counsel members obviously voted for the measure (vote was 11-6), as did the mayor, according to record.
There was a huge public outcry over the law that made even soup kitchens located within the Houston city limits against the law. However, not enough people in Houston had sufficient compassion for the less fortunate to keep the law from passing. Even those who did get involved lost their ‘heart’ for fighting it when the going got tough and so that law is on the books with a somewhat reduced fine attached.
‘“Civil libertarians, volunteer groups and religious leaders were opposed . . . saying the law "criminalized charity,”’ (Chron.com).

The Proud Houston City Council That Made It Against the Law For Food Kitchens or Anyone at All to Help Poor People Inside the City Limits of Houston

2014 photo of the Houston City Council with Mayor Annice Parker center in red jacket and pearls. These administrators have outlawed poor people from within the Houston city limits and likewise, charities or people from giving poor people food.
2014 photo of the Houston City Council with Mayor Annice Parker center in red jacket and pearls. These administrators have outlawed poor people from within the Houston city limits and likewise, charities or people from giving poor people food. | Source

Noah’s Kitchen in Houston Texas Forced to Move Outside the Houston City Limits

Noah's Kitchen Executive Director Amber Rodriguez told The Christian Post that there are 13 and a half thousand homeless people in Houston and that the $500 fine would feed at least 750 people (Christianpost.com).
It was necessary for Noah’s Kitchen (as well as other charity groups that help the poor) to move outside the Houston city limits or pay the $500 fine every single time they offered a homeless person a cup of soup or a piece of toast. Yes, $500 for each and every offense. A second piece of toast to the same person would mean another $500 fine in addition to the first one! Yes, a hungry homeless person could quickly put Noah’s Kitchen out of business completely by simply eating 4-5 pieces of toast from that soup kitchen.
Clearly Houston does not want anyone to mistake that city for having even a sliver of compassion as they have forced all organizations that help poor people to move outside of that city’s limits. Expect Houston to expand their city limits regularly so to keep organizations that help poor people to stay busy spending money on moving expenses and forcing them further and further away from the people who need their help in Houston.
Forcing charitable organizations to be on the move constantly takes money away from funds for feeding the hungry. It would seem to be the intent of many Houstonites to do all they can to prevent what are described in the Bible (Matthew 25:45) as “the least of us” from receiving any help of any kind from anyone.

Marine Veteran Jerome Murdough Baked to Death in New York City Jail Because He Was Homeless

Jerome Murdough, Marine veteran, homeless, was allowed to slowly bake to death in his jail cell, by New York city jail authorities.
Jerome Murdough, Marine veteran, homeless, was allowed to slowly bake to death in his jail cell, by New York city jail authorities. | Source

Homeless Marine Veteran Baked to Death in Jail for Being Poor

Several news agencies, including ABC News, Huffington Post, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, and the New York Times, to name a few, reported on March 19, 2014 that 56-year old homeless Marine veteran Jerome Murdough was jailed for trespassing in Harlem, and was then allowed to literally bake to death in his prison cell where he was jailed. Yes, the cell where Jerome Murdough was confined was allowed to heat to well over 100 degrees and Mr. Murdough died. He was allowed to swelter to death while being neglected by jail officials and employees.
“Jerome Murdough was just looking for a warm place to sleep on a chilly night last month when he curled up in an enclosed stairwell on the roof of a Harlem public housing project where he was arrested for trespassing,” (Huffington Post).
Mr. Murdough was considered mentally ill and was imprisoned in the “mental observation unit’ according to MSN News, which also reports that 40% of New York City’s approximate 12,000 inmates are mentally ill.
Since Mr. Murdough served for three years in the marines it is assumed his mental illness was a result of having given all for his country. His country, the United States of America, thanked him by allowing him to be without services for his mental illness, homeless, and finally the ultimate reward for a hero, being allowed to swelter to death in jail because of his afflictions.

Flashbang Devices

Examples of flashbang devices also called stun grenades intended to disorient the target.
Examples of flashbang devices also called stun grenades intended to disorient the target. | Source

Do You Know?

“A flashbang is a type of explosive device (sometimes called stun grenades) that is designed to create a very disorienting flash and bang. It is classified among the grenade family of explosives, since it is designed to be activated and then thrown or launched before it explodes. Law enforcement . . . often carry flashbangs because these devices can be used to control groups of people without injuring them.”
“Albuquerque officers have shot more people than the NYPD, a department serving a city 16-times larger, since 2010, according to ProgressNow.”
Huffington Post

James Boyd of Albuquerque, New Mexico

James Boyd of Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Shot to death in the back while unconscious by police.
James Boyd of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Shot to death in the back while unconscious by police. | Source

Man Shot and Killed by Police in Albuquerque New Mexico for Being Homeless

The Huffington Post reports that a homeless man, who was camping illegally in an open area in the Albuquerque foothills, was shot dead by police on Sunday, March 16, 2014, (Huffington Post).
James Boyd, 38, was first hit with what is described as a ‘flash-bang’ device when he turned his back to officers. The flash-bang device rendered him unable to stand up or control his body. While he was lying face down in the dirt, his body unresponsive, as viewed on video by this writer, two police officers, Dominque Perez and Keith Sandy, fired “multiple rounds” into Boyd’s back. There is blood splattered around Boyd’s head on surrounding rocks, (Huffington Post). View the video for yourself by clicking here.
It was not enough for police that Boyd was disoriented from the flash-bang device and rendered immobile. The police officers then shot Boyd repeatedly in the back while in that condition -- next they set a dog on him! The man was lying face down in the dirt, disoriented, and posed no threat. Or is being homeless now viewed as some sort of lethal threat? Especially to armed law enforcement?
All this because Boyd was homeless! It is also believed the he may have suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Is this the new way of dealing with people who have mental disorders or who fall into plain bad luck?
“Despite overwhelming criticism to the shooting, the [police] department says its officers were justified, KRQE [CBS Albuquerque affiliate] reported. [Albuquerque Police] Chief [Gordon] Eden said the shooting was justified because Boyd was a "direct threat" to the three gun-wielding officers,” (Huffington Post).

3 Former Police Who Beat Kelly Thomas Who Later Died of His Injuries

One of 3 policemen who beat Kelly Thomas who later died from his injuries.  Ramos was acquitted of all charges.
One of 3 policemen who beat Kelly Thomas who later died from his injuries. Ramos was acquitted of all charges. | Source
One of 3 policemen who beat Kelly Thomas who later died from his injuries.  Cincinelli was acquitted of all charges.
One of 3 policemen who beat Kelly Thomas who later died from his injuries. Cincinelli was acquitted of all charges. | Source
Joseph Wolfe, one of 3 policemen who beat Kelly Thomas who later died from his injuries.  Charges were dropped against Wolfe when his fellow officers were acquitted.
Joseph Wolfe, one of 3 policemen who beat Kelly Thomas who later died from his injuries. Charges were dropped against Wolfe when his fellow officers were acquitted. | Source

Man Beaten to Death In Fullerton California by Former Police for Being Homeless

Kelly Thomas, a 37-year old unarmed, mentally ill, homeless man, was beaten unconscious on July 5, 2011, by two former policemen. The former policemen, Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli, were found not guilty of second-degree murder, and cleared of all charges relating to that incident on January 13. 2014. A third officer, Joseph Wolfe, was to stand trial after Ramos and Cicinelli, but since the first two were found not guilty, the prosecutor decided to drop charges, (Christian Science Monitor).
The incident where the three policemen tazed and beat the mentally ill homeless man with clubs and their fists wearing Latex gloves for nearly 10 minutes was video taped (33 minutes) by a surveillance camera. The mentally ill man repeatedly called out for his daddy to help him, along with screams of “I’m sorry,” and “I can’t breath.”
Kelly was taken to a local hospital in an unconscious state and never regained consciousness before he died five days later, July 10. 2011.
Clearly, homeless people are likened to vermin such as rats, and considered fair game for police to practice their uncontrollable anger and questionable training tactics on.
Kelly was unarmed, and offered no threat to 3 big, tough policemen, yet they felt threatened, they said. Citizens on the jury for Ramos and Cicinelli apparently agree that homeless people are disposable and that they are excellent specimens for police to practice their training in beating people senseless. Killing them, in the minds of many people is just another way of clearing garbage from the streets.
Of course people who never imagined it could happen to them sometimes find themselves homeless, and considered by some people like they previously did themselves, as trash on the streets. Then it is too late to have a change of heart and speak up for what is right. Then it is they who are the practice victims for anyone, not only police, who want to kill somebody just because they can.

Kelly Thomas Before

This is how Mr. Thomas, a schizophrenic homeless man looked before he was beaten.
This is how Mr. Thomas, a schizophrenic homeless man looked before he was beaten. |Source

Kelly Thomas After

This is how Mr. Thomas looked after his beating as he lay dying in the hospital.
This is how Mr. Thomas looked after his beating as he lay dying in the hospital. | Source

City Council of Pensacola Florida (2014)

2014 City Council of Pensacola Florida smiling broadly as they are proud to have passed laws forbidding homeless people to have blankets or to cover themselves with anything as protection from the cold or weather.
2014 City Council of Pensacola Florida smiling broadly as they are proud to have passed laws forbidding homeless people to have blankets or to cover themselves with anything as protection from the cold or weather. | Source

Pensacola Florida Passed a Law Making It Against the Law to Have a Blanket or to Cover Oneself With a Newspaper As a Defense Against the Weather

It is also illegal there for a homeless person to use a public restroom for any purpose.
Apparently it is against the law for homeless people to eat in Pensacola Florida, and since they are not allowed to eat it is assumed they will not have use for a bathroom.
On February 10, 2014, jpmassar wrote for the dailykos, “There are people in the world who dream of curing cancer. There are people in the world who imagine living life in peace. And then there are the people who pass laws making it that much harder for the unfortunate to get by, who make it illegal for veterans with nowhere to go, those mentally ill with no one willing or able to help them, to wrap themselves with a blanket or a newspaper and try to get a few hours of sleep.”
The City Council of Pensacola Florida took up the issue of the blanket ban on February 14, suggesting that they would reverse it as a result of the public outcry by many of the citizens in that city. A repeal of the blanket ban failed to pass during that meeting, and has been blocked from being placed on the agenda since then.
After reading many news stories and much documentation on the subject, I came to realize that much of the U.S. population, though often lauded for their great generosity, are in fact hateful, judgmental, and heartless, towards people going through difficult times. How else would it be possible for these inhumane laws against poor people to be passed?
It does not seem to matter why any particular person is experiencing difficult times. Those people who are better off like to use the excuse that people are homeless and hungry because they are alcoholics or on drugs. For some reason there are people in our society who think it is acceptable to write people off who are mentally ill and not care at all if they are homeless, hungry, or in need of anything at all. My statistics professor was of that mind and said so before a class of 137 students.
My article, “Who Are the Homeless People of America,” explains who make up the unfortunate people in our midst who have fallen on extremely hard times. People abusing alcohol, drugs, or who are mentally unstable make up a very small percentage of the homeless. Even if someone is an alcoholic, drug user, or mentally unstable, is that cause or justification for leaving them to freeze to death or die of hunger?
We all know that if a person makes bad decisions or uses bad judgment that they get what they deserve. They must pay the consequences. That line of thinking works great until those people who are perfect and never use bad judgment or make bad decisions accidentally fall into that category themselves and discover that even their own perfect selves do in fact make the rare mistake or bad judgment.
But for the grace of God, any one of us might find ourselves homeless at some future date. As Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” People should think about that when they are imagining they know what someone else deserves and that they are themselves somehow better and more deserving of good things in their lives than someone else who is not having such good fortune.

You Can Go to Jail for Being Homeless and Poor In the USA

More and more cities are passing laws against being homeless.  If a homeless person doesn't have the good sense to just die, they will be put in jail for their horrendous crime of being poor.  Is there even a vague chance YOU, could end up homeless?
More and more cities are passing laws against being homeless. If a homeless person doesn't have the good sense to just die, they will be put in jail for their horrendous crime of being poor. Is there even a vague chance YOU, could end up homeless? | Source

Palo Alto California Has Recently Made Sleeping In a Parked Car or Outdoors In a Public Place Against the Law

Anti-homeless laws have become the norm in the United States it would seem. There is no place for homeless people to exist legally. I guess they are supposed to kill themselves so that the better citizens of any given location do not have to suffer even knowing they exist.
Indeed, if the homeless and poverty stricken people do not quickly eliminate themselves they will be thrown in jail for offending the aesthetic sensibilities of the better off. After all, if one has stolen their millions fair and square, they should not have to be exposed to the uglier realities of life that they have themselves created with their greed, should they?
How did some of the wealthy among us who are responsible for these homeless laws steal their millions? Well, Wal-Mart does it by not paying a fair wage and expecting taxpayers to subsidize their payroll with food stamps and Medicaid for their employees so that the esteemed Walton family does not have to pay respectable wages.
Since the Walton Family is worth only a few billion dollars, is it really reasonable to expect them to pay a living wage to their employees? How awful if one of them would have to sell one of their vacation homes as a result. We would all carry that guilt for the rest of our lives if we thought for a second we had brought about such an horrific consequence by demanding fair treatment and wages for Wal-Mart employees would we not?
I recently saw testimony where McDonald’s forces their employees to work off the clock or where employee time sheets are adjusted lower to save the franchisee money. There are many articles online about this McDonald’s practice. Here is just one by CNN Money.
All through California fewer and fewer services are being made available to poor people. Homeless shelters are popping at the seams and people are continually turned away from the overcrowded shelters at their own peril, because if they cannot find a way to fit into a shelter where they have been forbidden entry as a result of the shelter being overcrowded already, then they will be hauled to jail if they are discovered sleeping in public or in a parked car – essentially for daring to continue to live while at the same time being poor to the point of destitution.
Many of us have heard about the terrible crime of driving while under the influence of being brown or black. Well, now we have new laws that make it illegal to be alive regardless of color, while at the same time being poor, and especially homeless. How long before police are authorized to shoot homeless people on sight?

It Is Against the Law to Be Poor In Many Cities Across This Country

So imprisoning people for being mentally ill has turned out to be a gateway solution to imprisoning people who can’t function well in the mainstream. Now, in addition to making it a crime to be mentally ill and jailing mentally ill people instead of medically treating their disorders, cities across this nation are making it a crime to be poor or mentally ill.
These cities imprison people for being poor when they could instead create programs to help people find temporary housing and jobs, but that would suggest the weakness of compassion, would it not?
We already have the largest most populated prison system in the entire world. Soon everyone except a few wealthy people will be in prison as we gradually make any imperfection or bit of bad luck a crime. Where does it end? How long before you are imprisoned because something about you or your life that you cannot control is made illegal?
There are inhuman people among us, but we need not, indeed should not, let them make the rules.
It seems like poor people are expendable like fast food wrappers. You all but never hear about them on the television or radio news even though there are thousands and thousands of them in this richest nation on earth. You all but never read about them in the newspapers – for those few people who still read.
Everyone wants to pretend poor people, homeless people, do not exist, and that our economy is fully recovered for those people -- the better people in this country -- who matter.
No one wants to think about or talk about homeless people or poverty. Everyone has a simplistic answer to how homelessness can be addressed and ended. Yes, if people would just learn a skill, a trade, or get a college education there would be no homelessness people among us, so some people believe. Many people in our society already believe the only reason there is homelessness is because people are too lazy to snap their fingers and make a job appear.
Currently, thanks to the Great Bank Heist of 2008, despite the rosy reports on the television news (Huxley called it soma), many of the homeless people in our country living in tent cities with their families do in fact have college educations and/or skills or trades.

Would Forcing Homeless People to Accept Minimum Pay Jobs Solve the Homelessness Problem?

Some people think the reason educated or skilled people remain jobless and homeless is because they are unwilling to accept work that pays only the minimum wage. Tell me, those of you who believe this, how is accepting a job at minimum wage going to help the situation of a homeless family?
It is true that homeless people will no longer be jobless if they accept a minimum pay job, but those people will still be homeless because they will still not be able to take care of themselves much less a family with the meager earnings of a minimum wage job. It is impossible to find an efficiency apartment that a minimum wage employee can afford even in a neighborhood where you would not leave your dog.
If one cannot even afford an efficiency apartment in a high-risk neighborhood on minimum wage pay, how would a minimum pay worker manage to get an apartment or rental home big enough for a family on that pay? So the homeless issue would not be resolved by putting all the homeless people to work for the federal minimum wage, which is currently $7.25 an hour.
No need to take my word on this. Whatever you are currently doing, quit it. Get a job at a fast food restaurant (or other) for the minimum wage, 20-30 hours a week as is the average, and do your own research. See how far that paycheck goes for you every week. No fair cheating by using savings from your previous high-pay job or borrowing from relatives or friends. Scout around for a place to live that is affordable on your hundred dollars a week or whatever you have left after withholding taxes. Yes, even poor people have to pay withholding taxes. If and when they get a refund it will not be for months in most cases. The rent is usually due long before those months elapse.
Most people who are homeless ran out of unemployment benefits long ago, so that is not their reason for not accepting a minimum pay job. Further, I personally know from experience that once someone accepts a low-pay job that requires little or no skill or education, most employers are not willing to consider that person for more responsible better paying jobs. In fact, most employers still will not even consider hiring someone who is not currently employed.

Things You Can Do to Help Poor and/or Homeless People That Cost Little or Nothing

People have more excuses than there is space here to list them all, for not helping the less fortunate.
Sometimes writing your congressman or woman regularly and telling them to stop arguing over gay marriage and abortion, and to stop wasting tax dollars (millions of wasted tax dollars at this time) trying to repeal ObamaCare for the 52nd time (or are we on number 53 now?) is better than doing nothing at all.
No, one letter is not likely to make a difference. Write them every week, and actively encourage your friends, family members, coworkers, and neighbors, to do the same. If that is all you can do, it is better than doing nothing at all.
Write the letter in long hand and mail it. Letters of this kind carry far more weight than emails or phone calls, because Congress members know you care enough to take the time to write it out and put a stamp on it and take it to the post-office. That tells them you mean business.
Get involved with the homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and food pantries, in your area. Maybe you can help collect food or blankets or toothpaste or shampoo for those people who need those things even if you cannot afford to contribute money.
One thing everyone can do is protest LOUDLY when their city attempts or succeeds in passing ignorant mean spirited laws against poor people simply for being poor. Just because a law passes does not mean citizens must lie down and play dead and accept that law. Get it repealed.
Work to get the people who passed that law out of office at the first opportunity and promise any future office holders they will get the same treatment if they dare to even suggest continuing or reinstating such a law. If the unfairness and mean spiritedness of such a law is not incentive enough for you to work for its defeat or repeal, consider that one day it could well apply to you or someone you care about. Then again, I guess a person who favors such a law would not have anyone in their lives they care about . . .
Wealthy people and business owners want these laws because they believe the presence of homeless people in their city gives outsiders a bad image of that city, not to mention that it is difficult to imagine such people do not exist if you see them on the streets on a regular basis. Many people sleep better when they can successfully pretend homeless people either do not exist, or that they deserve to be in their situation. Making homeless people criminals can go a long way in accomplishing this mindset for a lot of people.
Wealthy people and business owners are all but always the minority. Overrule them with your majority of ordinary, average, compassionate people, and let them know that if you hear even a whisper of them favoring laws that make being poor a crime that you will never set foot in their establishment again. Not even if you must drive a hundred miles or more to get what you need. Let them know that your word of mouth advertising for them will not be beneficial either.
Sadly, the only thing these people care about is money, so their bank account is where you have to hit them. They care nothing about people, or they would never even conceive such an idea, much less support or establish a law that makes being poor a crime.

Mean Cities Across the USA – Is Your City Listed Here?

The following list of mean cities is from the National Homeless Organization (2004, so a lot of cities have no doubt been added that are not listed here). Listed alphabetically, these are cities that have made it illegal to be homeless, and illegal to help homeless people.
The severity of meanness in these listed cities varies somewhat from one city to another. To find out just how mean a particular listed city is, click here.
Dallas, Philadelphia, Orlando, Las Vegas, and New York City, are just a few of the cities across the United States that have made it illegal, as in a ticketing or arresting/jailing offense, to be poor and/or homeless or to give money or food to a person who is poor or homeless.
While you are writing that letter to your senator and congress person every week, why not write one to a different city council or mayor every week too, and let them know how mean spirited and heartless it is to have laws that punish the unfortunate for being poor and/or homeless. Anyone who thinks it is not sufficient punishment in itself to be poor or homeless has never had to want for anything they really needed.
Mean cities included on this list, but not limited to:
A -- Albuquerque New Mexico, Anchorage Alaska, Amarillo TX, Asheville North Carolina, Ashland Oregon, Athens Georgia, Augusta Georgia, Atlantic City, New Jersey, Avondale Illinois,
B -- Bakersfield California, Baltimore Maryland, Beaverton Oregon, Billings Montana, Birmingham Alabama, Boston Massachusetts, Boulder Colorado, Bradenton Florida, Buffalo New York,
C -- Charleston South Carolina, Charlotte North Carolina, Cheyenne Wyoming, Chicago Illinois, Clearwater Florida, Cleveland Ohio, Colorado Springs Colorado, Columbus Ohio, Corpus Christi Texas, Covington Kentucky,
D -- Davenport Iowa, Dayton Ohio, Daytona Beach Florida, Deland Florida, Denton Texas, Denver Colorado, Detroit Michigan, Detroit Oregon, Durham North Carolina,
E -- Eau Claire, Wisconsin, El Cajon California, El Paso Texas, Elkton Maryland, Encinitas California, Escondido California, Eugene Oregon, Eureka Springs Arkansas,
F -- Fairfield California, Fargo North Dakota, Flagstaff Arizona, Fort Myers Florida, Fort Smith Arkansas, Fort Worth Texas, Frederick Maryland,
G -- Glendale Arizona, Grand Junction Colorado, Greeley Colorado,
H -- Hallandale Beach Florida, Havre Montana, Huntington West Virginia,
I -- Idaho Falls Idaho, Indianapolis Indiana, Ithaca New York,
J -- Jacksonville Florida, Jeffersonville Indiana,
K -- Kalamazoo Michigan, Kansas City Missouri, Kansas City Missouri, Kissimmee Florida,
L -- Lakewood Colorado, Lawrence Kansas, Lexington Kentucky, Lexington Township Michigan, Lihue Hawaii, Long Beach California, Longmont Colorado, Longview Washington, Louisville Kentucky,
M -- Madison Wisconsin, Martinsburg West Virginia, Memphis Tennessee, Miami Florida, Middletown Connecticut, Minneapolis Minnesota, Mobile Alabama, Modesto California, Myrtle Beach South Carolina,
N -- Naples Florida, New Orleans Louisiana, North Las Vegas Nevada, Norwalk Connecticut,
O -- Oakland California, Ogden Utah, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Olympia Washington, Omaha Nebraska, Orlando Florida,
P -- Pahrump Nevada, Palm Bay Florida, Pasadena California, Phoenix Arizona, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Plymouth Massachusetts, Pontiac Michigan, Portland Maine, Portland Oregon, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Providence Rhode Island,
R -- Raleigh North Carolina, Rapid City South Dakota, Redondo Beach California, Reno Nevada, Richmond Virginia, Roanoke Virginia, Rochester New York,
S -- Sacramento California, Salem Oregon, Salt Lake City Utah, San Bernardino California, San Diego California, San Jose California, San Juan Puerto Rico, Santa Barbara California, Santa Cruz California, Savannah Georgia, Scottsdale Arizona, Seattle Washington, Sioux Falls South Dakota, Sonoma County California, South Lake Tahoe California, Spokane Washington, Springfield Massachusetts, St. Augustine Florida, St. George Utah, St. Louis Missouri, St. Petersburg Florida, Suffolk Virginia, Syracuse New York,
T -- Tacoma Washington, Tallahassee Florida, Tampa Florida, Tempe Arizona, Toledo Ohio, Trenton New Jersey, Tucson Arizona, Tulsa Oklahoma,
U -- Union City California,
V -- Venice California, Virginia Beach Virginia,
W -- Washington District of Columbia, Woodinville Washington.

The Living Bible, King James Version, Matthew 25:31

31 – “But when I, the Messiah, shall come in my glory, and all the angels with me, then I shall sit upon my throne of glory.
32 – And all the nations shall be gathered before me. And I will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats,
33 – and place the sheep at my right hand, and the goats at my left.”
34 – “Then I, the King, shall say to those at my right, ‘Come, blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.
35 – For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes;
36 – naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me.”
37 – “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Sir, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you anything to drink?
38 – Or a stranger, and help you? Or naked, and clothe you?
39 – When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’
40 – “And I, the King, will tell them, ‘When you did it to these my brothers you were doing it to me!”
41 – “Then I will turn to those on my left and say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons.
42 – For I was hungry and you wouldn’t feed me; thirsty, and you wouldn’t give me anything to drink;
43 – a stranger, and you refused me hospitality; naked, and you wouldn’t clothe me; sick, and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.”
44 – “Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’
45 – “And I will answer, ‘When you refused to help the least of these my brothers, you were refusing help to me.’
46 – “And they shall go away into eternal punishment; but the righteous into everlasting life.”

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right